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  • Eye4Desyn
    Mar 24, 03:17 PM
    ...and I haven't looked back. Started with 10.4 Tiger. Now on Snow Leopard and will definitely upgrade to Lion when available. Great OS and happy birthday OS X!


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  • Grasbak
    Jan 9, 08:30 AM
    Realistically, this is want I want:

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  • puckhead193
    Sep 7, 08:40 PM
    it seemed if-y, i'm surprized they left in the curse words....

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  • Chip NoVaMac
    Mar 9, 11:06 PM
    It's Apple's philosophy. It comes down to building priorities around it and executing on them.


    It's not marketing-speak or hyperbole for the camera. It's an artist speaking about his work. Can you identify with this?

    Apple operates from a completely different place and mindset from everyone else.


    Simple. They actually give a damn about the User Experience. They understand that tech is used by PEOPLE, and people have lives to get on with. So . . . simplify, simplify, simplify; cut, cut cut; and then work to perfect what's left over.

    That's the beauty of it. It's very Zen. Perfection - or rather, sublimity - is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to take away.

    Why doesn't the competition do this or think this way?

    1) Their priority is to make as much money in as little time as possible and to do it as cheaply as possible.

    2) They're stupid.

    Most of the time, #1 happens because of #2.

    And there is no cure for #2.

    Very well put... it is Apple's attention to the user experience that keeps us buying Apple products that we never knew we wanted or needed. Only time will tell if Steve Jobs is/was the visionary that brought Apple to the heights it now enjoys. IMO he is... he brought Apple back from near bankruptcy.

    To be honest, I yawned when the first iPod was released. But then I finally bit the "Apple" and was won over. Smartphones left me wanting. Tried the Windows and Palm smartphones and they left me wanting. Till I got the 1st gen iPhone. This was what I expected a smartphone to be like. Three years later I upgraded to the iPhone 4.

    To be blunt, there have been some misses. The first ATV was nice but could not see it for the price and the limits it had out of the box. But the ATV2 gave me what I was looking for at a price that made it a no brainer for me.

    Some call me an Apple fanboy. To me that is not fair. Some feel that Apple offers products that exists in a closed system that Apple controls, and that is true. But it is that closed system that I believe helps in some ways the user experience and safety from malware.

    And in some ways it hurts the user experience at the same time. Example is with ATV2 and Netflix. I can not search for GLBT titles from ATV2 as a genre.

    Is Apple perfect in their business model? No, but I am willing to accept it for the overall user experience....

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  • airforce1
    May 2, 12:34 PM

    If the people claiming this is a non issue are serious then they should all email Steve and tell him to stop addressing it.

    I think the problem here is that many on this board cannot distinguish between trolls blindly trying to stir stuff up on an Apple forum and non-trolls discussing a legitimate issue. People need to learn how to separate the two and ignore the trolls if they try to pile onto an unfavorable discussion of Apple on a particular issue. yes and many of these trolls spend most of their time here, as Jobbs said the Tech community failed to educate everyone on what he failed to provide evidence for to show they DID NOT violate privacy laws.

    Im sure apple knew they have to pay a fine, now they will just pretend with so called tech trolls on forums that they fixed this, its not over you see, when congress demands a standard on collecting data and to what extent and who then we will see all the data sheets apple is hiding from me and you, until then you and i both could be called trolls for just posting anything here, thats a opinion and propaganda (lie) though

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  • takao
    Nov 28, 05:06 PM
    the thing with the RC cars is comapred to spy planes they are not really "1 shot destroyable" .. with a spy plane: 1 rocket (locked on) fired -> 1 plane shot down (i downed i think around 60 so far.. and countless choppers)

    the RC car has a hit box the size of a bee: on one occasion i walked around with akimbo semi auto shotguns and unloaded all 8 shots towards one and it just didn't die.. so far i have been able to destroy perhaps 3-4 of them while driving around

    they should make the supply drop a 4 and the rc car a 5 killstreak at least
    or at least add out the ability to drive up stairs

    and while dogs are terryfing ... they are also much easier to kill than a single RC car: if you see them running towards you you can down 1-2 with a clip if you are lucky

    if we are talking about killstreaks: the huey chopper gunner red highlighting needs to go

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  • fikonhjul
    May 4, 07:12 PM
    Looks like Roambi??
    Second guess is MicroStrategy
    Could very well be, but I haven't seen that particular coolness demoed anywhere. Maybe an upcoming version of one of those, or some other business data visualizer?

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  • IJ Reilly
    Oct 20, 01:51 PM
    Oh, I dunno, perhaps acquire some more companies? You know, like TiVo - with its valuable IP - for an easy $400 million. Or pump it into R&D. Or a stake in Nintendo or Sony. Or acquire the EMI Music Group (for $1 billion) as a buffer against the other RIAA members pressuring for an increase in the iTunes Store pricing. Or finally pay off Apple Records once and for all. Those are several things Apple could do* with that $10 billion that could be more useful than artificially boosting the stock by paying out an expensive dividend to grumpy shareholders.

    Heck, maybe they could go all-solar on the Apple campus like what Google is doing.

    Of course the point is, they aren't doing these or any or things with the money. It's been accumulating steadily for nearly ten years, and is really building up quickly now. I don't think any of us "grumpy" stockholders would be complaining if Apple was doing something worthwhile with it. Dividends, BTW, are a message from a company to stockholders that they don't have to sell to realize a benefit from owning shares. They are good for improving the long term stability of the stock.

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  • Mac Fly (film)
    Oct 19, 10:15 AM
    I'd like to see the figures just for the UK rather than "international". I'm a firm believer that it's the Apple Stores that are causing the upswing. Outside of the US, the UK is the only country where Apple stores are expanding their reach, which would confirm whether or not my thinking is misguided.
    Your thinking is not misguided. Now where's our bloody Apple Store in Ireland.

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  • HyperZboy
    Apr 9, 08:31 PM
    Oh crap. 400 fear-mongering posts in the other thread were for naught. :eek:


    Come on people, think next time. Like Apple gives a rat's ass how their retailers horde iPads when Apple themselves can't even supply them.


    Seems like half the people here have worked at Best Buy and the other half hate Best Buy and refuse to shop there. Yet both groups know equally as much about Best Buy's retail marketing plans as well.

    Hmmm, what are the statistical chances of that happening? :D

    Earth to Geeks... You think Apple doesn't specifically ship certain stock just for a promotion? (therefor it's not considered "stock" the day or week before)

    Apple even ships stuff with orders to merchants not to open boxes until a certain day/time.

    Not to mention, we know Apple has been having supply problems. So I see nothing wrong with Best Buy conserving stock for a promotion. This a whole lot of nothing except to the fanatics on geek websites who worship at the alter of Steve Jobs and have no lives.

    If all these people posting really worked in retail, I'm convinced it must have really been at McDonald's, not Best Buy! I'm told by a reliable source they really will sell all of the Big Macs they have on hand. LOL

    The only thing I've learned here is that the average Best Buy employee is not in the loop to know what they're talking about nor is the average Best Buy customer. Show me a local manager and I'd still think they're out of the loop. Unless somebody from corporate or a regional manager goes public or Apple or Best Buy makes a statement, this story is a whole lot about nothing.

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  • aristobrat
    Oct 6, 06:32 PM
    I think the biggest problem is when Apple had the chance to change the game by not doing subizided cost they instead give in and just make it worse by forcing a much larger than average subsudize on there phone ($400 vs $250).

    Unlock phones puts the network and the phone separete.
    I'm not sure why you think Apple's original iPhone sales model was changing the game.

    The customer paid the full price of the iPhone, the iPhone was still locked to a specific carrier, and the carrier agreed to pay Apple monthly for every iPhone customer they had.

    On top of that, AT&T created a special, cheaper data plan to lure customers in, as the full-priced phone was very off-putting to some.

    Sounds like the original iPhone ended up costing AT&T more than the subsidy on the iPhone 3G/3GS did.

    And why did Apple change its original sales model? Because they weren't selling nearly as fast as Apple had hoped.

    I agree with you that being able to buy any phone and have it work on any network would be awesome. Logistically, I just don't ever see it happening.

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  • Matthew Yohe
    Mar 28, 10:22 PM
    I think we are headed towards a "locked down" OS X, FWIW.

    Uh, no.

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  • Sdevante
    Mar 17, 10:08 AM
    I call shenanigans.

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  • firestarter
    Apr 21, 12:50 PM
    It works in Slashdot, but only because you have Kudos rating and meta-moderation.

    Without meta-moderation the trolls get equal voting powers to everyone else - and all hell will break loose as people vote up friends and down 'enemies'.

    I think it's a good idea in general though. It would be great to cut through a 30 page thread and see only the top 10 posts.

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  • linux2mac
    Mar 24, 05:13 PM
    I finally switched to Mac at Snow Leopard and couldn't be happier. Looking forward to Lion!!

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  • turbobass
    Apr 5, 03:31 PM
    "doesn't apply to me so it's useless" mentality. guess the world revolves around them :rolleyes:
    Thanks for the passing insult however I think I was pretty clear that your use for it was one I hadn't considered and also a rare case that made this app actually useful. I apologize for recognizing your rare and interesting situation.

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  • IJ Reilly
    Oct 20, 01:51 PM
    Oh, I dunno, perhaps acquire some more companies? You know, like TiVo - with its valuable IP - for an easy $400 million. Or pump it into R&D. Or a stake in Nintendo or Sony. Or acquire the EMI Music Group (for $1 billion) as a buffer against the other RIAA members pressuring for an increase in the iTunes Store pricing. Or finally pay off Apple Records once and for all. Those are several things Apple could do* with that $10 billion that could be more useful than artificially boosting the stock by paying out an expensive dividend to grumpy shareholders.

    Heck, maybe they could go all-solar on the Apple campus like what Google is doing.

    Of course the point is, they aren't doing these or any or things with the money. It's been accumulating steadily for nearly ten years, and is really building up quickly now. I don't think any of us "grumpy" stockholders would be complaining if Apple was doing something worthwhile with it. Dividends, BTW, are a message from a company to stockholders that they don't have to sell to realize a benefit from owning shares. They are good for improving the long term stability of the stock.

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  • calzon65
    Jul 21, 03:23 PM
    Apple Apple Apple... or should I say Steve Steve Steve...

    What you are doing right now is what a psychologist would call "diverting." You are simply trying to take away the focus of your own iPhone 4's faults and place everyone's attention on other brands that we do not care about. You admitted you screwed up (congratulations, that is a great first step). Now it is time to take another baby step and fix the problem... your problem... the iPhone 4.

    You are 100% correct, this is exactly what Apple is doing and many in the press have raised the same fact. It is a classic and deliberate PR move to divert attention away from Apple�s own issues�even if their competitors have the same or similar issues.

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  • cal6n
    May 2, 10:31 AM

    The database at Apple was 'crowd sourced' and you opted in to that when you clicked on 'Accept' in the SLA, but that was a twice-per-day, anonymous, encrypted data packet sent back to HQ.


    Not quite. The data collection dialog was separate from the EULA agreement and was a voluntary opt-in. Whether you chose to opt-in or not did not affect how your device operated.

    Personally, I opted-in. I have no problem helping Apple to maintain their location database.

    Nov 24, 01:24 AM
    Looks like it's up and running now. :)

    Apr 15, 12:37 PM
    Obviously fake. Look at the slanted iPhone writing on the bottom photo. Horrible photoshop skills

    Mar 24, 03:10 PM
    Happy Birthday, OS X! Thank you for making me enjoy using my computer :)

    Apr 16, 03:20 AM
    Let us not compare Apples to turds.

    Black berries now touch screen phones are really good. I loved my black berry... Hell i miss it. RIM makes a great smart phone, they are still holding strong to the one thing google and apple want most: Enterprise. ( I think if it ever leaves RIM it will go to Windows Phone.

    Apr 27, 06:03 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    He is a male, just like me, I can't believe you don't understand that...

    He thinks he is female which is a whole other thing


    Your ignorance related to trans issues is really showing here. I suggest you do a little research on this topic next time around.

    She is a woman plain and simple, what is or isn't between her legs does not matter one bit IMO.

    Really? That doesn't matter? Well then why don't we have men compete in all the women's events at the Olympics? Oh wait, it does matter

    I'm not defending the attackers. I think it was terrible. Horrifying video. It's hard to believe people are like this.

    I do think this whole "biology doesn't matter, it's how you feel in your heart" nonsense is obviously nonsense.

    He has every right to dress like a girl. I don't even mind if he uses a female bathoom. But those things don't make someone female. The characteristics that allow doctors to assign genders to new-borns do not change as people get older.

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