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  • MacBram
    Apr 29, 03:13 AM
    Apple has done extremely well with mobile devices, but I don't know what Microsoft has to do with that. As far as I know, Windows still has about 90% of the market, and Apple still has a very small share. It looks to me like Apple isn't a huge player in the pc market, but they are the dominant one in the mobile market. Let's not forget that 50% of that $5.99 billion profit came from the iPhone and iPad.

    Very true.

    yes, 50% or so came from iPhone and iPad. So what's your point? These run on iOS which is a scaled-down version of the actual OS X operating system.

    As far as "PC" marketshare: Apple has shown most of the growth in industry YoY for about 30 quarters in a row. Yes, it is easy to say that it is easy to double Market share when you are talking about a couple of percentage points. But we can still put it in perspective:

    -- Apple has about 90% marketshare of computers at 1000 dollars and above.

    -- Apples sells computers to consumers who vote with their dollars. PC 90% is due to large corporate buys and lock-ins and also counts anything that runs some version of Windows, possibly including cash registers and petrol pumps.

    -- Apple is either about 3rd or about 5th largest PC maker by unit in the world, depending on how you count it: a lot of studies do not count iPads in the total because of some arbitrary metric or because they are paid by MS or another big company to exclude it.

    -- consumers are, in fact, buying iPads in place of net books, which were oh so popular a couple of years ago, when it was said Apple could not compete and Apple should build an entry level netbook. Since then, PC makers have lost a lot of value trying to compete for the bottom, at the same time MS continues to generate serial numbers for exorbitant amounts.

    -- Apple completely dominates mobile and portable -- MacBook Air and MacBook Pro at high end, and iPad at low end.

    -- Apple's revenue this past quarter is about as much as Dell's whole Market cap! Maybe Mikey should just sell the company and give the money back to the shareholders (but who would want it). He did innovate BTO and online shop distribution chain back in the day. But he hasn't innovated products, production methods, materials, batteries, SoCs, supply chain, retail, customer support and satisfacton, etc.. Etc., in the way Apple so handily has.

    Steve Jobs said years ago that he did concede the PC desktop "war", but the battlefield has moved on and new territories have opened up for exploration and colonizing. There isn't a single MS explorer or settler on the horizon. Unless you count their beloved interactive multi-camera tracking system -- and only then has it become worthwhile when they finally came up with the idea to put it in front of the TV for entertainment instead of sticking it in a bathtub. Meanwhile, Apple is working on SDKs that will allow every developer to create immersive 3D interfaces because face recognition technology with the one FaceTime camera will allow the device to calculate angle and distance of face from screen.

    What it has to do with MS is that they have an aging dinosaur of an OS that is still DOS based and that they can't properly scale, and this becomes ever more evident by the day. They can only add lipstick to their old products and many of their customers still prefer Windows XP! They need to start again and reengineer an OS from scratch as Apple did when it bought Jobs' NEXT.

    But can MS do it? Highly doubtful. DOS was bought in and they made the deal of the century with it. They put Windows UI over it, finally, because they had access to Apple source code for ten years. they absolutely wreck anything they get their hands on, ala Danger. Now the SalesGuy is running the company... fastest path to irrelevance.

    MS' immediate existence is not in jeopardy -- they will continue to print their undeserved money for years to come. But their future relevance grows ever more questionable by the day. In short, Apple has plenty of headroom for Mac OS to grow into, while Windows at 90% can only go down.

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  • Dmac77
    Apr 25, 01:18 AM
    umm good luck with that. My father has a ticket to prove other wise. He made the mistake and cut off a guy who was speeding by mistake. Cop handed him a ticket for illegal lane changed and the other guy a ticket for doing 20 over the limit.
    It was declared a no fault and both were on their own. Both cars totaled.

    You cut her off therefor made an unsafe lane changed. Legally you should of given her enough room to be able to adjust for you. Add to the fact you are 16 and chances are would be a witness or 2 saying you were speeding. Your word vs hers and your word is pretty worthless.
    And if you did if they can prove malice or road rage you just increased your charges and heck could be nailed for insurance fraud as well.

    You are proving to us all that you should not have a DL. You just are increasing the case that you should not be behind a wheel of a car.

    On and do not use the argument that the car can do 186 mph. Sorry that is for another country. Top it off I am pretty sure my car can out handle your car.

    Well I'm sorry to hear that happened to your father. My mother was in a similar situation a few years back. She cut off an idiot doing 20 under the speed limit, slammed on the brakes, and there was a wreck. The guy she cut off was found to be at fault for not maintaining a proper distance, my mother was not found at fault. She openly told the cops that she had just passed the guy, and after she passed she thought she saw a squirrel enter the road, so she slammed on the breaks. On top of doing $15,000 grand worth of damage to the guys car (which he had to pay for due to not having broadform insurance) she then sued him for her $2,000 deductible, and won. Sucks to be him, maybe he does the speed limit now.

    EDIT: @ EricNau - what do you guys not understand about "she was doing 65mph is a 70mph zone" which she then lowered to 55mph after brakechecking me????????


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  • chatin
    Sep 10, 05:59 PM
    What tone? Yeah I don't want to spend that much. I'm thinking $4k max for an 8 Core-In-One Mac Pro. I'm sure I'll be pretty happy with 8 until I find out I still have to wait a lot for video compressions to happen. Then I'll be right back here complaining about how 8 cores isn't enough either.

    My Xeon utilization is only 50% per proc while compressing in Quicktime Pro. Even during an HD export ( the fans don't get use.

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  • Slix
    Apr 25, 01:07 PM
    Awesome. I can't wait to see it.

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  • MacRumors
    Mar 29, 11:07 AM (

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  • chasemac
    Aug 24, 02:52 AM
    This is true I read this a while back and it was brought up today on a d.a.p site i frequent. Creatives TravelDock 900 speakers have an ipod shuffle connected to it on the box.

    Kind of an interesting history note of digital audio players made back in 2004.

    :) Beyond that my friend. Heard of Sound Blaster?

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  • eawmp1
    Apr 25, 07:46 AM
    EDIT: @adk - yes I am 16, however in this situation my mother was in the car and actually encouraged me to cut the idiot off. So it's not just an age based thing.


    Ah, faulty genetics.

    This explains your behavior on the roadd AND a lot of your postings in MacRumors.

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  • gnasher729
    Sep 11, 07:09 AM
    now is the Xeon processor faster than the core 2 duo?

    That is a rather pointless question since the Xeon processor in the MacPro _is_ a Core 2 Duo processor.

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  • ezekielrage_99
    Aug 24, 01:01 AM
    Creative's stock up 30% in after-hours trading. The $100 million is a drop in the bucket for Apple, but it will certainly help Creative...

    Sounds like a bit of insider trading....

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  • paulsecic
    Aug 28, 02:50 PM
    A week Tuesday, a week Tuesday! I just put my mini on eBay and I'll get a good chunk less if they update them tomorrow! I thought the original rumour said after Labor day which is next week isn't it?
    Im broke now. I hope they wait til October. :(

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  • HecubusPro
    Aug 29, 09:44 AM
    Personally I'd rather pay a lot more for my Macs, have them updated a lot less often and even suffer decreases in the rate of performance improvements, if it meant that the people who manufactured the computers were paid enough to sustain themselves and their families in comfortable, suitable housing with enough money left over for an enjoyable life.

    Morality over Mhz!

    This isn't necessarily leveled squarely at Machhead III, and this is more suggestion than anything, but I cannot stress this enough--if you have any issues with the way the items you purchase, consume, use, etc. are produced, do not buy those items. If you know that your mac, your car, your TV, your food, or anything else you purchase are brought to you on the backs of cheap or illegal labor, refrain from buying those products. Protest with your dollars.

    After you've excersised your consumer right to not buy those goods, then do what you feel is right to bring awareness to those who continue to buy those products. Write your politician. Picket the corporations who uses cheap and/or illegal labor, start an awareness website and campaign, do whatever you feel you need to do in order to make others aware of the atrocities being done to the less fortunates so that the rest of world can have those nice products at a cheap price. Remeber, it starts with one person.

    Keep in mind that this is just my opinion being stated without anger or irritation, but what you shouldn't do is buy those products anyway, then proselytize to the rest of us how evil the rest of the world is for using a cheap Chinese, Latin American, Indian, whatever, workforce. Then additionally implicate those who buy those products into the same evil sphere as those who produce the goods in the first place.

    Sure, this makes you out to be a major hypocrite of the worst kind (consumer hypocrites are some of the most detestable out there), but that's not really the central downside to conducting yourself in such a manner. I mean, we're all hypocrites, whether we want to admit it or not.

    What this really does is shine a bright light onto how incredibly pretentious you truly are.

    Just a public service announcement.:) Sorry if I came off too condescending.

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  • stagi
    Sep 19, 11:47 PM
    Is everyone forgetting about the "special" dock kit Apple sells with "yellow" and S-video as well as audio out jacks on it, and a nice little remote AND another charger and sync cable? With the old 320x240 shows, it was barely watchable, lots of artifacts and about like fair quality VCR tape. With the new 640 x 480, the output is VERY watchable, not quite as good as DVD but better than my DirecTV digital signal. And, this little bundle of usefulness costs $99 and is available NOW. I have used one since about Christmas of last year, and it works pretty well. You DON'T have to wait for the iTV or confine your viewing to the computer screen or an ipod.

    Or I have been using my regular dock with a seperate monster cable I bought.
    With the new Res. I think it looks awesome. The only bummer is the battery life on my 30GB video ipod.

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  • 0815
    Mar 29, 01:39 PM
    Maybe, maybe not ... don't care as long as Apple makes enough money to invest into developing great gadgets (and makes everyone else follow).

    But what I really would like to know: are there in the meantime any real sales numbers (to end users) of windows 7 - or are there still only the numbers floating around how many 'licenses'/'devices to resellers' were shipped?

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  • MattyMac
    Aug 28, 12:30 PM
    September and October are usually greeeeeeeaaaaaaaatttt months for apple!:D !:D !:D

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  • tortoise
    Sep 20, 02:40 PM
    The only reason why CDMA is basically only in the US is because it was still being developed while the EU jumped on GSM and endorsed it for every country. If your reason why CDMA is terrible is due to limited use, then, that's at best poor reasoning.

    Finally, someone gets it right.

    CDMA is technically superior to GSM just about any way you care to measure it. GSM's widespread adoption in Europe was by fiat as a protectionist measure for European telecom companies, primarily because the European technology providers did not want to license CDMA from an American company. CDMA was basically slandered six ways to Sunday to justify using GSM. It was nothing more than a case of Not Invented Here writ large and turf protection. This early rapid push to standardize on GSM in as many places as possible as a strategic hedge gave them a strong market position in most of the rest of the world. In the US, the various protocols had to fight it out on the open market which took time to sort itself out.

    Ultimately, the GSM consortium lost and Qualcomm got the last laugh because the technology does not scale as well as CDMA. Every last telecom equipment provider in Europe has since licensed the CDMA technology, and some version of the technology is part of the next generation cellular infrastructure under a few different names.

    While GSM has better interoperability globally, I would make the observation that CDMA works just fine in the US, which is no small region of the planet and the third most populous country. For many people, the better quality is worth it.

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  • pmbooks
    Sep 14, 09:33 AM
    I agree that this is a whole lotta waiting for godot. Still, can I ask those of you with some knowledge on this: Apple is replacing my MBP in the next week...they say. My question is: in the event they release some sort of upgrade, can I return it unopened for a swap within 14 days of receiving it?

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  • IJ Reilly
    Aug 23, 08:28 PM
    As has been mentioned the typical patent litigation is in the $5-$10 M range paid to the attorneys. With the main lawsuit and 5 countersuits they could have made a big dent in that $100M. Even when you have a large legal staff, litigation is usually handled by outside firms that specialize in those kinds of trials. With 32 million iPods sold in 2005 even a $3 licensing fee (~1% on average is not an atypical licensing fee) you'd easily surpass $100M if you were planning to sell iPods for more than 1 more year. A lump sum is preferable.

    There are also less obvious or tangible costs. Uncertainty is never good buyers may shy away from a purchase if they feel there is a potential that the product will soon be abandoned/unavailable. There's also the fact that the discovery process in such lawsuits is often used as a tool to try and pry information out from the other side, such as future product plans, etc. that might well be worth big $ keeping undr wraps. And last but not least is the distraction that such a suit tends to place on the key employees who may be involved in designing a workaround or simply being deposed and directly involved with the trial.


    True, but let's put it this way: Apple didn't settle for $100 million because winning would have cost them as much as 10% of that sum. Remember, Apple was going up against a much smaller company with far less in the way of resources. If Apple could have ground Creative down over years of protracted litigation with some assurance of getting a better deal, then I have little doubt that they probably would have done so. I suspect Apple saw a RIM-like situation, where they were unlikely to prevail in court and in the meantime the litigation environment would create opportunities for competitors.

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  • rileyes
    Mar 29, 03:38 PM
    When Windows starts to come close to SL in terms of ease of use and functionality let me know ;)

    hey, this is me letting you know.

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  • bassfingers
    Apr 22, 11:21 AM
    Ooh, I wonder what the other upgrades will be. Macbook Airs are becoming really awesome notebooks. Hopefully it someday takes over the macbook. iPad <Macbook (Air) < Macbook Pro < iMac < Mac Pro

    Mar 23, 04:18 PM
    Im in agreement with this.
    Remove them from the App Store.

    It might be illegal etc.. but we must draw the line somewhere.

    Apr 25, 02:44 PM
    But I fear what Apple has in mind is basically an entire range of Macbook Air laptops. The Air is a fine computer, no doubt, but it's not the portable desktop I want and never can be without supporting two drives and discrete graphics in one way or another.That is exactly what I envision for the next Mac Book Pro. Take a MacBook Air make it just thick enough to handle an additional 2.5" Hard Drive, dedicated graphics, and a high performance processor. Ditch the optical drive, make SSD+HD the standard configuration.

    Apr 22, 08:48 AM
    I understand the concept of all this, but what if you're in a place with bad reception (or no WiFi for users without an iPhone)? I don't think that I'll be switching to an all-cloud storage service any time soon.

    I do not think that is the plan. I believe the service will allow you to download your songs as well. It just gives you the option to go to the cloud if / when needed.

    Nov 13, 02:01 PM
    With policies like this, the App Store might just eventually die.Yeah, right. It would take a whole lot more than a few dozen (heck, a few HUNDRED) cheesed-off developers to kill the app store. If they turned all development off today, it would still be successful.

    That said, when Rogue Amoeba jumps ship over what seems a pretty blatant case of policy clashing with logic and common sense, that's a bad sign that you're doing stuff wrong.

    It's not 100% black and white, but really, Apple should be doing a better job than this. They do seem to be gradually improving--there have been many signs that they ARE listening to the complaints, and moving toward addressing at least some of them--but the company should be doing more.

    If anything, I'd much rather the app store approval process were brutally exclusionary about apps with bugs or ugly/non-"iPhone-like" UIs than nit-picking branding issues.

    Basically, if the walled garden had a bouncer who was a style-nazi I'd be much happier than the relatively lenient lawyer currently standing at the gate.

    Oct 27, 12:39 PM
    I'm all for protecting the environment, but sometimes it gets out of hand. Greenpeace should be there, but it is evident that Apple is already working on being more environmentally friendly. Greenpeace should have been kicked out for violating their contract.

    +1 for Apple

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