black and white artwork for bedroom

black and white artwork for bedroom. art bedRoom black white
  • art bedRoom black white

  • 0815
    Apr 25, 01:43 PM
    wow, this has officially been blown out of proportion!

    The sad thing is that I'm not even surprised by this.

    I hope they also filed a lawsuit against every single cell phone carrier, internet provider and other phone/phoneos providers.

    black and white artwork for bedroom. The lack and white nature of
  • The lack and white nature of

  • backdraft
    Jul 29, 05:57 PM
    well I'd rather see a ppc update...

    black and white artwork for bedroom. Modern lack and white
  • Modern lack and white

  • kdarling
    Apr 20, 09:17 AM
    The key thing here from Apple's standpoint is "Trade Dress".

    No one will ever confuse a Samsung F700 with an iPhone. Now way. No how.

    However the Galaxy devices are so close to Apple's products in appearance and design, it's very hard to tell them apart. THAT is the problem.

    It's ony a problem if the customer can't tell the Samsung is not an Apple device at point of sale.

    As for the tablets, I think it'd be pretty hard to confuse a Tab with an iPad, or think that the Tab is made by Apple.

    As for the phones, who knows. I have a Fascinate (Verizon Galaxy) and the stock live koi pond wallpaper kind of gives it away, but then I know that Apple doesn't allow that. The big "Samsung" printed on the front is also a major cue.

    In either case, Apple could have to come up with proof that normal consumers are actually confused between the products.

    Why are you always anti-apple in every
    other thread?

    When you bash him instead of giving arguments, you lost already. Too many immature kids around here crying "troll" instead of using their brain.

    Samsung has no honor.

    It seems their problem is that they had access to Apple's design and so were able to copy more closely than is usually the case with Apple competitors.

    That's a silly accusation. Why would Apple give Samsung access to their design? They buy parts from them, not cases or software.

    The iPhone has been out for years. Plenty of time for Samsung to adopt rounded corners without having any secret info.

    Now, if the Galaxy had looked like an iPhone 4.... :)

    black and white artwork for bedroom. Though, the lack color can be
  • Though, the lack color can be

  • ugp
    Jun 10, 07:21 AM
    I've always called Wal-Mart Wally World.

    black and white artwork for bedroom. 50 modern edroom design ideas
  • 50 modern edroom design ideas

  • ~Shard~
    Jul 14, 02:42 PM
    Appleinsider is saying that it can be used for both at your choice, but you have to go buy it and put it in. Not a add on to ordering.

    Odd, you think Apple would at least give you the option at the online Store, just as they do with 2 displays... But, perhaps one optival drive will indeed come standard, and the other will be available for whatever the person wants.

    Or perhaps there will not be 2 optical drives to begin with. :o ;) :cool:

    black and white artwork for bedroom. lack and white bedroom
  • lack and white bedroom

  • steve no jobs
    Apr 8, 12:35 AM
    I read over at TechCrunch that it was to meet daily sales quotas, which is to benefit the store manager, mostly. They look better for hitting/beating their quota everyday, regardless of whether or not it is actually at all helpful to Best Buy.

    So it sounds like Best Buy has stolen a page from communist China's playbook. That seems like good business practice.

    And why would it be an accomplishment for a manager to sell the quota of ipads for the day? You could set up a shop that exclusively sells ipads in the depths of a cave inhabited by a fire breathing dragon and you'd still have fanboys lining up at 6am to get one.

    black and white artwork for bedroom. lack and white artwork for
  • lack and white artwork for

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 7, 09:36 AM
    You make it seem like intel told apple they can't use the sb chips unless they use the IGP, which is obviously false.

    It's not false per say, at least not 100%. Of course, graphics in such systems are usually IGPs, but before the Core iX line of processors, anyone could license and build chipsets for these processors and include a different IGP than Intel did. Intel however refused to license this for the new processors, including the SB line and thus nVidia who was making chipsets could not produce an IGP for the new platform.

    So yes, essentially Intel told Apple they had to use the 3000 HD as an IGP, where before, Apple was using nVidia's tech. There was even a massive lawsuit about all of this, between Intel and nVidia which ended with nVidia stepping out of the chipset business alltogether.

    So the poster you were replying to wasn't 100% wrong at all. It is in fact a testament to Intel's incompetence how all of this was handled, since an old MBA with a 320m outpaces new SB machines that have a much more powerful CPU in graphics performance.

    black and white artwork for bedroom. lack and white artwork for
  • lack and white artwork for

  • mygoldens
    Apr 27, 08:22 AM
    Ok, somebody go slap the lawyers that are initiating the lawsuit!

    Apple tracking everyone, ya right, like they have to?!

    black and white artwork for bedroom. lack and white artwork for
  • lack and white artwork for

  • ictiosapiens
    Aug 17, 04:37 AM
    Does anyone seriously believe games today will show any significant improvement on a Mac Pro?

    1. The video cards are underclocked compared to their PC equivalents on the Mac.
    2. Generally, you are limited to a framerate of 60Hz anyway.
    3. Most games are old ports, and need to run thru Rosetta.

    When playing a game on a PC, you have DirectX to take full advantage of the hardware, and your processor is usually tagged consuming any and all cycles it can for the game. On a Mac, multithreading, and sharing the processor among apps seems to be the flow of the computing experience.

    I'd predict a single Core2 Duo Extreme would still outdo a dual processor 3.0 Ghz Xeon Mac Pro when memory timings are nearly half of the Xeon on the Core2.


    black and white artwork for bedroom. lack and white artwork for
  • lack and white artwork for

  • 4God
    Jul 14, 02:32 PM
    If true, these definitely would be powerful machines, however for people like myself, the power and resulting price tag will be simply too much to justify. Leave the Xeons for the PowerMacs, but introduce some mini-tower machines with Conroe chips - they would fit nicely between the iMac and PowerMac. For me, the Mac mini isn't enough, the iMac is great, however non-upgradeable. I'd like something upgradeable, where I could replace/upgrade HDDs, optical drives, and most importantly the display - yet a PowerMac is overkill for my needs. It sure would be nice to see, but I doubt Apple will do it... :cool:

    Well said, I agree with you. Apple, IMHO, needs an "inbetween" machine for upgradablity. This would shorten the gap between consmumer and prosumer.

    black and white artwork for bedroom. Black and white bedroom.
  • Black and white bedroom.

  • Multimedia
    Jul 27, 11:48 PM
    Ahh so many announcments !!! Kill me now ! I'm waiting for the end of august then I'm buying whatever I can get.You might want to make that til Tuesday September 12 when the Paris Apple Expo opens with an Apple keynote.

    "Otellini said the company expects to ship its 1 millionth Core 2 Duo processor in a little less than seven weeks after launch. In comparison, it took Pentium a year to reach that level of ramp-up. ("

    Two million cores shipped by this time in September. Wow!

    black and white artwork for bedroom. lack and white bedroom
  • lack and white bedroom

  • Sweetfeld28
    Jul 14, 03:56 PM
    i always thought it would make more sense to have the power source at the bottom, yes it would help to lower the center of gravity, but would also help desipate the heat generated from it as well. Once the heat would raise from it, the fans in the middle would help to pull it out quickly, unlike if it was at the top and have all the heat from it rise to the top.

    Correct me if i am wrong, as i do not own a G5. But, in my MDD G4 my power supply is at the top, and do notice that my big fan in the middle does tend to run at higher speeds in these hotter summer months.


    black and white artwork for bedroom. lack and white bedroom
  • lack and white bedroom

  • Lincoln
    Aug 6, 02:17 PM
    Was just trying to price out an IMac on the Apple store and the option of upgrade the keyboard/mouse to a wireless version was gone??

    Something new in the offing to be announced tomorrow perhaps??

    I think that the option disappeared when the wireless Mighty Mouse came out.

    black and white artwork for bedroom. Coordinating edroom wall art
  • Coordinating edroom wall art

  • iris_failsafe
    Jul 20, 03:54 PM
    I am liking this Intel switch more and more. Stevo you were right again...

    black and white artwork for bedroom. lack and white bedroom
  • lack and white bedroom

  • ~Shard~
    Jul 14, 03:05 PM
    Power Supply at the top is REALLY stupid.

    I've never thought much of the relevance of its placement myself - why do you say that? Care to elaborate on why it is "REALLY stupid"?

    black and white artwork for bedroom. lack-white-rug-four-poster-
  • lack-white-rug-four-poster-

  • tortoise
    Aug 7, 09:14 PM
    Lots of ways it COULD be implemented. Looks at Suns new file system ZFS. It is basically "Copy on Write". With a file system you can do things even fancier then with a DBMS. For example a "block" (i-node) exists physicaly on the disk only once but it could be maped into any numbr of files. If a file in only an orderd set of block numbers then to copy a copy all you need to copy is the set of numbers which is on the order of 1000 times shorter then the data itself.

    Ahem, a modern relational database system can do everything a file system can. In fact, they are both databases, but optimized for different tasks and slightly different semantics. The same behaviors can be achieved with both; it is a matter of design bias, not capability. File systems like ZFS actually converge on normal MVCC database behavior, which durably journals all writes but with more flexibility with respect to atomicity and version cleanup than a file system. File system semantics, even versioning ones, are more primitive and less capable than database ones, but with substantially increased performance over what would be possible from an MVCC database for the same task.

    Same theory, different optimizations. The balancing act has always been between the power fully ACID-compliant MVCC semantics and the basic speed of simple file system semantics. Apple and Sun are burning some excess performance capacity to deliver features that are closer to the database ideal.

    black and white artwork for bedroom. contemporary lack and white
  • contemporary lack and white

  • soldierblue
    Apr 20, 03:15 PM
    The suits aren't very similar at all.

    They're similar enough that an average person should be able to make a connection. Apple is filing a lawsuit against Samsung that doesn't have much chance of sticking, but that's not even the point, they want to scare Samsung into a settlement in all likelihood.

    Think deeper. They're more similar than you think they are.

    black and white artwork for bedroom. Black and white bedroom is
  • Black and white bedroom is

  • rtdunham
    Aug 27, 10:07 AM
    As far as "legalities" go, usually corporations do have to generally not take unsolicited ideas, commercials, marketing materials, etc. developed by the public. The reason for this is that they want to avoid being sued later on if they do something similar. ...the more obvious examples would be things where, for example, someone designs a new computer and sends it to Apple; Apple eventually releases something quite similar to it, and the person who sent in the design tries to sue them for taking their idea and not paying anything for it.-Zadillo

    but wouldn't it be neat to see a computer maker have a website for submission of ideas: you type in your idea, and get a message that says, "IF we choose to use your idea, you'll receive $1 per unit; if you agree to those terms, hit the "SEND" button now."

    Imagine all the 'puter features, (cheap lyric theft intended) that might be in today's units, if they incorporated ideas suggested on these forums alone in the past 5 yrs. It'd be fun to see someone compile a list. Here's a start: Ports on the FRONT of desktop units; easy-swap HD bays on laptops; built-in memory card readers; built-in iPod dock; etc.

    Look at the stuff on YOUR desk: how much could be consolidated into the computer itself? Think about what you wish your computer could do that it can't do, now.

    black and white artwork for bedroom. Black and white bedroom - more
  • Black and white bedroom - more

  • milo
    Jul 27, 11:55 AM
    so cn you put it in a mb too?

    mini and iMac can be upgraded, they have a socket.

    MB and MPB can not (at least not do it yourself), they are soldered.

    Aug 19, 07:34 PM
    ... For anyone out there who has been needlessly influenced by this guy to wait for a system that will only be outdated by the one that will come after it, please uninfluence yourself, and buy the stupid computer that you want, when you want it.


    I agree. I'm noticing a trend. People who are looking at the Macpro in a negative way come in three flavors. The first type are invested in G5 (especially quad) and are desperately trying justify that their investment is sound, when they actually desire a Macpro. They can feel better about their old machines by making the new ones seem bad. The are almost "smug" about waiting until a better one comes out. The second flavor are people who hate the Mac culture and are pissed that the Mac is catching up to the windows workstation sector. The third type are people who can't afford a Macpro and go out of their way to publicly discredit the machine so that they can feel good about their iMacs or Minis. There are others, but you get the point.

    I also find it amusing when I see posters participating in Macpro discussions when they have publicly stated that they have no intention of buying a Macpro. WTF?? Don't they have a life outside of macrumors? If I owned a G5 Quad and had no intention of buying a Macpro, I'd be spending all of my spare time doing cool stuff with my machine... instead of wasting that time participating in discussions that have nothing to do with me. I might read though some of the threads now and then, just to keep up with technology - but to particpate and debate, what a waste. I guess some folks have no life.

    Mar 22, 06:34 PM
    It won�t sell because the iPad lines will block the view in store.

    I will probably buy one! :D

    There will not be any lines and hey, they might just have some stock!

    What a novel idea! Have stock for a product that you say you produce, WOW what a concept!

    Aug 25, 04:14 PM
    The problem with the surveys that they take is that I would suspect most satisfied customers don't fill them out, and the ones that are not satisfied after make sure to fill them out.

    This is the absolute truth. People that are upset want everyone too know, while the rest of us go on loving our products. I really try too take the time to fill out surveys that I get wether the product is good or bad.

    Please take time too let companies know when they do a good thing, and when they do things that need a little work. Maybe instead of geting all pissed off about being on hold for a few minutes or not being able to talk to a person that speaks English, you could try your luck with customer service from Dell, HSBC, or any other service center that is located in another country. Then maybe you won't be so bitchy. Sorry for the rant.

    Apr 6, 05:01 PM
    I'm an Apple mobile device user, and I have never ever been on an Android-centric forum. Not one time! Why would I care what people who have such an obvious difference in taste think about what I have?

    It never ceases to amaze me at how many Android users have to flock to a site called "MacRumors" because they feel then need to lead us poor blinded Apple "fanboys" to the bright shining city on a hill that is Android paradise.

    At least go have your Android orgy, where it may be appreciated by others who care to watch that type of thing...wait...there are such things as Android forums, right?


    It could be considered being close minded and afraid of new things.

    Just saying, you know?

    Adam Lect
    Mar 26, 12:25 PM
    Mt. Fuji. A hat tip to Japan.

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