cats makeup

cats makeup. cat makeups: The New
  • cat makeups: The New

  • fivepoint
    May 4, 05:55 PM
    Dude, you're clueless.

    I have a severe congenital hearing loss and it's really amazing how parents don't really understand the long term consequences of poor hearing protection.

    Just as in almost all other health matters, the more exposure to loud noises when young, the more likely a child is to end up with a hearing loss as he ages. Some parents do insist on hearing protection when using firearms, but I'm sure there are a lot that don't. Shooting guns without hearing protection is like taking a five year old to a Nascar race. Very, very irresponsible simply based on the noise level.

    I'm sure Dr Choi was speaking of the danger of firearms being discharged by and around children with a lack of supervision, but your tunnel vision when it comes to the health and safety of children is appalling.

    I think it's you who's clueless. You make it seem as if it's the role of government and physicians to eliminate risk in our lives. What's more risky, taking your kid to a NASCAR event without hearing protection, or raising them in a large city with lots of traffic and crime? What's more risky, raising your kids in a home with un-locked guns, or raising them with an ultra-protective disregard for a child's need to learn life lessons and experience the value of trust/responsibility first hand?

    My dad had a rifle hanging on a gun-rack above his computer in his office for my entire life. The ammunition was directly below the gun in a drawer as part of the gun-rack. I was raised to respect the weapon and to never touch it unless I was given permission. I earned my parents' trust, and learned responsibility as a consequence. Was that wrong of my parents? Absolutely not, but I guess I'm just 'clueless.'

    Where do you live? Cedar Rapids, where the nearest next physician is five or ten minutes away, at most? What if you were in Guttenberg, where the next physician is half an hour or more? Open-ended liberty to refuse to provide treatment at a whim is just plain irresponsible.

    An unpopular physician creates the market demand for an alternative. Supply, unencumbered by any sort of rationing by the gov't subsidized higher-education system, would produce the complimentary supply.

    In any event, do you seriously contend that this is a situation solveable by by big intrusive government controlling physicians and eliminating their ability to render services as they see fit?

    cats makeup. and want me to do cats make up
  • and want me to do cats make up

  • dalvin200
    Sep 12, 07:37 AM

    This is like Independence Day, you know, everybody reporting in from everywhere that spaceships are sighted.

    HAHA.. how very very true

    cats makeup. black cat makeup.
  • black cat makeup.

  • munkery
    Apr 17, 10:13 PM
    GNOME 3 looks like more of an OS X copy than Windows 8

    Gnome desktops always looked more Mac-esque because of the menubar being at the top of the screen. It actually functions a lot differently than OS X despite the similar appearance.

    cats makeup. Bombalurina#39;s Makeup
  • Bombalurina#39;s Makeup

  • liketom
    Sep 12, 07:38 AM
    5 hours before the event has to be a first


    cats makeup. attempts at Cats makeup,
  • attempts at Cats makeup,

  • Lycanthrope
    Jan 15, 04:24 PM
    I thought the best was the Mac Pro spec changes, I don't see why they did that last week? I though they were leaving space for some life-changing device, didn't happen.

    I would quite like the NAS Airport though...

    "There's something in the Air" - smells like ******** to me :D

    cats makeup. Makeup from Cats musical
  • Makeup from Cats musical

  • freeny
    Sep 12, 08:15 AM
    Bring on the iPod widescreen!!!


    cats makeup. Pin-Up Inspired Cat Makeup
  • Pin-Up Inspired Cat Makeup

  • MacRumors
    Jul 21, 09:01 AM (

    cats makeup. for tabby cat) moonlights
  • for tabby cat) moonlights

  • Hastings101
    May 3, 09:52 PM
    And I'll buy one when it comes with dual fold-out screens in a**-kicking neon colors and a choice of animal stripes, lightning bolts or fire emblems, and is sold at Wal-mart in shrink-wrapped packaging for $9.99 and has commercials featuring hot girls in bikinis jumping on a trampoline.

    In other words, we're both out of luck.

    I would buy that. I would buy two of that.


    cats makeup. Cats Eyes Makeup.
  • Cats Eyes Makeup.

  • Surely
    Apr 12, 01:13 PM you guys have a little obsession with cupcakes, or an obsession with little cupcakes?

    I just want to be clear, that's all. ;)

    cats makeup. runway model makeup.
  • runway model makeup.

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 12, 02:42 AM

    I've been telling this to people for awhile now...if Microsoft *truly* wants a killer OS, then they're gonna have to do what Apple did a decade ago -

    Leave the cruft, even if it breaks stuff for awhile, get RID of the registry (this was a good idea...coming from DOS, and being used in Windows 95), use a Linux or UNIX kernel as the base OS, and make applications self-contained, like Apple's are.

    It may be copying, but they've copied everything ELSE, why not copy something that *might* have a shot at making the apps easier to install, and viruses harder to get in?

    Besides, the apps were *almost* self-contained back in Windows 3.1 - anyone remember .ini files? If MS had let people keep those, there never would've been much use for a registry to begin with.

    Do you really think MS will ever do that?


    cats makeup. eyeshadow with make-up cat
  • eyeshadow with make-up cat

  • Passante
    Sep 12, 05:37 AM
    If it's just Disney, then there's not much point. The reason iTMS succeeded from the start was that it was simple and it had the largest library from which you could purchase single songs. If the iTunes Movie store starts with just Disney movies, then it's dead in the water. Let's just hope that ThinkSecret is wrong again, as usual.
    As I recall itunes was very small when it started.

    cats makeup. broadway cats makeup. cats
  • broadway cats makeup. cats

  • bommai
    Oct 17, 09:41 AM
    That comment about not including the burner is interesting, and I'm at least trying to give it some more thoughtful consideration. Who really needs to burn 30 - 50 GB of data? For backup solutions, wouldn't just getting a huge external hard drive be more practical? Portability might be a factor there, but external drives aren't that cumbersome I don't think. I'm thinking that the majority use of those HD media burners would be to copy movies with illicit applications. Could Apple put in place some protection framework that attempted to only allow creative-works-originating software to burn HD discs, (ie, iMovie, iDVD, FinalCut and other pro apps that use full quality, large size files) therefore denying use of a program that takes a quick and dirty imported disc image and burn it to disc, so that you'd have to work around some long and annoying solution to make an illegal copy (ala burning audio CDs in iTunes and reimporting them to strip the DRM) that would deter any easy mass pirating?

    More simply, I'm curious of who out there needs to burn 30 to 50 GB chunks of data, too large for a dual layer DVD to hold, and why.

    If Apple wants to sell a lot of movies online and if the movies eventually become 720p or 1080p, users will need big discs like these to backup their movies. Right now I cannot even backup my iPhoto library into one DVD because it is about 11 GB.


    cats makeup. CATS make-up workshop
  • CATS make-up workshop

  • appletastic
    Jan 9, 09:17 AM
    Okay here goes:

    - Movie rentals in HD
    - Updated Apple TV software and new higher capacity drive available. Download/Stream (you watch while still downloading) film straight to Apple TV.
    - DVDs ability to copy over film to mac.

    - Refresh MacBook Pro line - New processors, new keyboard, updated look
    - MacBook Pro small version - A pro line like the 12inch Powerbook was. Flash memory, External CD drive (who needs one anyway?)
    - All with Track Anywhere pads (The traditional trackpad is no more with an invisible pad underneath the surface of the laptop) - you can click anywhere and drag anywhere..and it will ignore palms.

    - No changes to iPod or iPhone hardware
    - Introducing a few new third party apps for the iPhone - Maybe a dictionary, translation tool, wikipedia app.
    - Announce 3rd party sdk - ready to take-away today

    - No changes to MacBook line, although may add the Track Anywhere pad, update processors, screen.

    - No more Mac Mini

    - New cinema displays with iSight and IR (glossy?..hope not!)

    Thats It!

    cats makeup. Many times makeup can be
  • Many times makeup can be

  • chrisgeleven
    Jan 5, 03:23 PM
    Why did Apple do away with live feeds of the event? That seems like a good idea. What are they trying to avoid?

    That little thing called bandwidth. You know how many people will be hitting that streaming video stream if it were live? With it being tape delayed, Apple can somewhat spread out the number of people who will be watching it.

    Heck I have a hard enough time viewing the keynote hours after it was released, never mind trying to do it live.


    cats makeup. Makeup artist Marie Huston
  • Makeup artist Marie Huston

  • bedifferent
    Apr 29, 05:58 PM
    For the love of god get rid of the faux leather.

    I generally agree with the overall consesus. The attempt to bridge OS X and iOS GUI's are disappointing. It's not so much one thing in particular but the culmination of terribly implemented GUI nuances.

    The grey Finder and Mail sidebar icons are more confusing, as was the grey iTunes X icons that were quickly remedied with an iTunes.rsrc file to add the previous color icons. ICal would benefit from a black/grey leather with more grain/definition, as would Address Book. Finder windows have about the same UI as L/SL, and I'm not into the latest iOS scroll bars (too thick, I preferred the thinner scroll bars). The depressed/non-depressed buttons seem misplaced. The blue standard system folders seem even more inconsistent comparatively (and they have been around since 10.5) and I loathe the icons for iTunes/App Store/Safari (which is really outdated).

    Overall, instead of Apple [finally] producing an OS X with a unified GUI, nothing seems consistent. Either add flare and color or don't.

    OS X Lion needs Lithium, it's becoming schizophrenic!

    cats makeup. broadway cats makeup.
  • broadway cats makeup.

  • pudrums
    Apr 8, 09:08 AM


    cats makeup. Cats Make Up Demonstration
  • Cats Make Up Demonstration

  • CanadaRAM
    Jan 12, 12:44 AM
    Wow, I just watched the keynote and my god this guy is hard to stand....
    i totally agree with you. "aint that just cool?" "probably the best photo management program in the world" he's was pretty hard to stand.

    But you watched. Again.


    cats makeup. Jennyanydots Make-Up · Cats
  • Jennyanydots Make-Up · Cats

  • rjtyork
    Dec 13, 06:50 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    I can see apple releasing a verizon iPhone in january. It may or may not be upgraded or better in any way from the current iPhone 4. It does make sense for them to produce an iPhone 4V or iPhone 4.5 type of thing and then update both the CDMA and gsm versions in June or July and bring every model current with themselves with the iPhone 5. I doubt it will be LTE/4G but I bet it will come with a few other feature. Antennae issue will definitely be gone.

    cats makeup. canada cats makeup
  • canada cats makeup

  • klaus
    Aug 12, 04:37 PM
    Someone over at the Display forum at Apple's discussion boards mentioned he had a chat with someone from Apple Support and that he told him the specs were already in circulation from April but that they were only now updated on the webpages.

    There is also no way of telling if you have a display with the newer specs or not, since there isn't another product code for this.

    Mar 17, 04:57 PM
    SO everybody get off their high horse cause we all know damn well you would do the same thing...

    No, I wouldn't. I've been on BOTH sides of this issue.

    As a teenager, my drawer came up $30 short one night while working at a small convenience store. That money was taken out of my paycheck. Sure, it was my fault - but does that mean the customer was absolved of any fault? No. That customer could have plainly said "You gave me $30 in change too much." Instead, she opted to keep it.

    Exchanging a comforter at Bed Bath & Beyond, the sales rep somehow got herself turned around and I ended up with a free comforter. I alerted her to error and rightfully paid for that comforter. I've had things missed on reciepts at grocery stores and in restaurants. If I point out a missing appetizer or a missing beverage, many times a manager or supervisor will visit my table, apologize for the error, and insist that the missing item is on the house. They offer a thank you for the honesty.

    This isn't the "moral high horse." More appropriate might be your lack of any morals at all.

    Apr 29, 06:49 PM
    The main problem with the "slider" idea is that it wasn't intuitive which selection was active (since we're so used to a depressed icon indicating selection). I like the concept of a slider; it reminds me of the old tile games. Perhaps a compromise would have been to have the selected item's text glow, as if a little LED were behind it. That would have made it really clear which item was active.

    Apr 8, 04:18 PM
    Why would you run a promotion on something that sells out the moment they come into inventory? Sales are for Android products that can't be moved any other way.

    Perhaps it is something like, "Purchase an Android device and we will let you buy an iPad."

    I think I get it now. They save inventory so they can advertise they have iPad2 in stock on date x. Date x comes a long and hordes of people flock to their stores, buying all of their iPad2s in minutes. They now have an opportunity to try and move some of their Xoom inventory on the more gullible in the group. I am sure most stores are trying to figure what pieces of the Xoom can be recycled.

    May 5, 04:15 PM
    ..... the point is we don't need the damn government getting involved and telling doctors what they can and can't ask. Or for that matter telling doctors who they must and who they musn't provide care for. It's a private transaction between the customer and the physician, so leave it at that....

    in reality though, the government is deeply involved in licensing and regulating the practice of medicine. It does so to protect the public from harm by quacks, malpractice, fraud and criminal behavior.

    And when it comes to hot button issues, abortion as an example, state governments do indeed tell doctors they have to say and do certain things.

    Jan 12, 10:22 AM
    The bloody thing is not even released yet and you are already an expert? Give me a break.

    the iphone not being out makes it even worse
    especially for the european market where it's still 1 year away and you can get UMTS phones _today_ .etc

    can you download music from itms on your iphone ?
    one provider here offers such a service except that you pay 1 buck for the phone and the contract is somewhere around 25 or so per month ( 0cent per minute into 4 networks) but you get the top 40 charts for free every month or something like that

    1 year is a lot in the mobile phone business

    edit: oh and i just found the W850i and it _has_ a 2mp camera around here (but only 1 GB)
    but it only costs _3_ bucks with a contract

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