long haired dachshund

long haired dachshund. RED LONG-HAIRED DACHSHUND

  • rtkane
    Apr 4, 12:47 PM
    I often wondered what kind of people could find a homeowner who shot an armed intruder guilty of a crime or culpable in civil court. Having read many of the comments in this thread, now I know.

    long haired dachshund. Miniature Long Haired
  • Miniature Long Haired

  • spacemanspifff
    Apr 20, 10:28 AM
    Just downloaded the app and had a quick look. All I can say is this data would be pretty useless if you're trying to work out where I've been. As a lot - and I mean more than 60% - of the dots are in places that I've never even been! In the FAQ for the app they say this will happen, but some of these places are like 30-60 miles from where I actually was during the weeks in question.

    So I wouldn't worry about it too much, if it was actual GPS data and not Cell Tower triangulation then it would be much more accurate, but as it appears [at least from my cursory glance] you couldn't really tell where I was with any degree of accuracy. In fact, there was one week where it put me in Bristol UK with lots of dots all over the city and I was actually in Spain!

    long haired dachshund. long haired dachshund black.
  • long haired dachshund black.

  • retrorichie
    Apr 22, 11:55 AM
    maybe i can get a 500gb ssd in there by the time it's released, then i'll have all i want (for now).


    long haired dachshund. 14k Long-Haired Dachshund Dog
  • 14k Long-Haired Dachshund Dog

  • rmhop81
    Apr 22, 09:35 AM
    Ummm, what is so hard to grasp about using stuff when NOT AT HOME???? Why is being at home the focal point for you? Why do you assume that people and myself are only going to listen to music when at home? People do it away from home too. Also, I do use WiFi at home. I still have all my music and such stored locally. I have three running copies for one reason....HDD failure. Now, HDDs are inside the space available inside my PC tower so its like they're not even there. So you're right, this wouldn't be for me. Why should I have to pay AT&T more money just because Apple may potentially shake it all up. Nah uh....no way.

    people are complaining about data usage....how much time do you spend at home vs. on the go? i have unlimited so doesn't matter to me. I also, don't own cd's/dvds/blu rays and don't even own a dvd player. physical media is slowing dying. I've been waiting for something like this forever. For someone like you, you are eventually going to have to adopt or live in old age technology.

    long haired dachshund. Delphine - Long Haired
  • Delphine - Long Haired

  • dejo
    Nov 13, 02:52 PM
    Just to be clear, if RA had made an application for a Macbook that displayed these images, that's ok. Because they made the application for an iPhone instead, it's not ok.

    Does that make sense to anyone?
    In a sense, yes. The rules for iPhone development are different than for Mac OS X. I may not always agree with it but there you have it. :)

    long haired dachshund. The Long Haired Dachshund is
  • The Long Haired Dachshund is

  • Ugg
    Apr 10, 07:29 PM
    What's hard in the U.S. is that most people make a modest or poor salary--yet the culture is very materialistic and there is a lot of pressure to buy so many luxury goods and services. At least in third world countries, your friends aren't pressuring you to take extravagant vacations you can't afford or go out to expensive restaurants.

    You also need to add in the ball and chain that is suburban/exurban hell. Some people are chained to their five acres willingly, but many are chained to suburbia due to poor planning caused by cheap oil. The added expense of owning two or three vehicles and maintaining a suburban home on a suburban sized lot, means a lot less money for other things. People bought into the false promises of suburbia and are now paying the price.

    long haired dachshund. long haired dachshund photos.
  • long haired dachshund photos.

  • toddybody
    Apr 30, 08:06 PM
    not as cpu/gpu demanding

    Compared to what?

    Its MUCH more "cpu/gpu" demanding than say

    long haired dachshund. Long-haired Dachshund Dog by
  • Long-haired Dachshund Dog by

  • agmaster
    Apr 25, 01:05 PM
    Carbon Fiber body... Now that would be amazing!

    long haired dachshund. long haired Dachshund dog
  • long haired Dachshund dog

  • powerbook911
    Sep 12, 04:11 PM
    I have the 60 GB 5G. There is no benefit for me to get a 80 GB new one except the extra capacity, correct?

    I mean, I did software update, and it seems great.

    They mention battery life, but music is still 20 hours rated, so I think they only list more battery life because they have the "BRIGHTNESS" setting now! ha-ha. So I think my battery is just as good too?

    long haired dachshund. red long haired dachshund
  • red long haired dachshund

  • revfife
    Sep 12, 02:33 PM
    The headphones look different on the specs page, new earbuds mayhaps?

    Yeah, Steve said something about a new design on the standard Apple headphones

    long haired dachshund. Dachshund (long haired
  • Dachshund (long haired

  • scottgroovez
    Apr 25, 02:13 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    2012 is a long way off. Buy now, enjoy it now and sell and upgrade when the time comes. I'm terrible for getting caught in the waiting game. You just wait for eternity.

    I'm not sure the pros will lose the DVD drive. It'll encroch into MBA territory and pros are meant more for industry use where the drives are useful.

    MBA for casual use. MBP where nothing is compromised.

    13 needs a better screen though. I've just bought my first 13 MBP and the soft resolution is a bit disappointing.

    long haired dachshund. cream long haired dachshund
  • cream long haired dachshund

  • sartinsauce
    Oct 12, 12:44 PM
    there is no such thing as charity in america, it always comes through commerce. why not just donate the $200 bux? does a lot more than the 10 bux you are donating now, so you can justify getting a new ipod. hell i would buy a red ipod just cos of the color, if they're gonna do this they might as well just donate 10% of all ipod sales. at least it does something.

    "Hi i'm bono, there's a huge aids problem in africa and people don't pay attention, heres a new ipod"


    Wow, that's a big statement. You're right, of course.

    It's kinda like if there was a healthier Big Mac. Healthier because it comes with a whole grain bun.

    long haired dachshund. long haired dachshund puppies
  • long haired dachshund puppies

  • Thunderbird
    Apr 30, 03:16 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Neither will be redesigned next year. Look at the length of time Apple stuck with the previous design. There are still a few years left to this "look."

    As others have mentioned already, the last redesign was in the Fall of 2009. Before that was the Fall of 2007 (before that was January 2006 with the switch to Intel). The redesign cyles seem to be approx every two years. So 2011 could see another redesign, especially when the last two redesigns coincided with an OS X upgrade. That's why I keep saying look for a redesign this Fall, just before or just after Lion is released.

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A293 Safari/6531.22.7)

    When do you estimate they will come out with the redesigned exterior?

    See above answer.

    They stuck with the previous design for 3-4 years. It has now been 3 years with the current look.

    No, it has been two years since the previous redesign. That is when the screen sizes changed from 20" and 24" to 21.5 and 27".

    Curious that everyone is clamoring for a thunderbolt-enabled machine, but there isn't a single thunderbolt drive available on the market.

    I guess some people just need to feel like they have new stuff even if it's totally pointless.

    Good points. Thunderbolt won't really be usable for anything until at least this Fall.

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    So previous iMac design lasted 4 years...it's been 3. Previous MBP design lasted, what, 6 years? Rumors are meaningless until we see leaked shots or something (remember the iPad 2 rumors?)

    I don't think that overhauling the exterior of iMac or MBP is high on Apple's priority list at the moment and I'd be surprised if it happened within the next year.

    Be prepared to be surprised this Fall.

    Isn't this iMac design from fall of 2009? That's less than two years.

    Bingo. At least someone is paying attention to the redesign cycles.

    Yep. There is little reason for Apple to fear USB 3. It's slower in both theoretical maximum speed and FAR slower in real world maximum speed. The only advantage is... Uhm... TB supports USB so... I guess there isn't one. Yes, I think USB 3 is quite possibly going to be the last iteration of USB.

    Yup, I think Steve has made it loud and clear, it's Thunderbolt all the way. Apple won't be using USB 3 as an interim bridge to, or alongside Thunderbolt.

    I seen it as more of a mid model refresh.
    TECHNICALLY been the same since 2008.

    No it hasn't. Technically, the iMac has only been the same since the last refresh, and less technically, since the last redesign--which was in the Fall of 2009.

    If you mean the aluminum design, that was actually way back in 2007.

    Yes, the iMac was redesigned from the white housing and S-PVA LCD panels to the aluminum housing and IPS (and TN) panels in the Fall of 2007.

    The fall 2009 refresh was a big redesign. The displays were all different sizes, 21.5 and 27" and went edge to edge. This was the first time since moving to Intel that the iMacs had desktop processors instead of the previous mobile chips. It was not a trivial redesign which is why it's unlikely there will be much different about this year's updates other than ports, processors, and storage upgrades.

    Excellent, you are correct. The last redesign was not trivial. And look for a possible redesign this Fall to coincide with the release of Lion. I'm not guarranteeing anything here, it's just been the pattern the last two redesigns.

    long haired dachshund. Long Haired Dachshund
  • Long Haired Dachshund

  • ~Shard~
    Sep 13, 09:12 PM
    Go away- just go away.

    Can we all just agree not to talk abiout this thing until it is actually out? There is so much BS about this thing, maybe it does not deserve anything until two weeks after it is out... if ever.

    Sorry man, this is MacRumors. If you don't like talking about rumored products and such, sign up for an account on MacFacts. :p :cool:

    The mock-up looks cool - definitely something that I could see Apple designing. It bares quite a similarity though to LG's Chocolate phone...

    http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/3426/chocmicrosdfw5.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

    http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/255/lgchocolatera7.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

    http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/9552/lgchocolate720703sn3.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

    long haired dachshund. long haired dachshund dapple.
  • long haired dachshund dapple.

  • williedigital
    Sep 13, 10:52 PM
    Two things

    1) it seems like people are overexagerating with the "having to slide the clickwheel up to call anyone" thing. Everyone I know uses a contact list almost exclusively, something which could very easily be incorporated into the standard ipod interface (already is sort of). Calling the odd number i'd be fine with sliding it up. Perhaps they could introduce some really innovative contact list stuff software wise to make it even less necessary to "dial" people.

    2) Maybe all the touchscreen stuff we think is for the video ipod is really for the phone and the dialpad and clickwheel both use a touch sensitive thing to work.

    long haired dachshund. long haired dachshund black
  • long haired dachshund black

  • TsMkLg068426
    Apr 22, 12:31 PM
    I hope this service will be free or else it is really pointless just saying. Great idea but I worry there will be a price for using a Cloud service and probably only available for only the purchases you made on iTunes not CDs you have ripped. I am assuming in few days if this Cloud service comes to live there will be a iOS update again and hopefully this will work with 4th Gen iPod Touch I do not see why it will not work.

    long haired dachshund. long haired dachshunds
  • long haired dachshunds

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 19, 09:01 AM
    The tablet is a different matter, and doesn't have the same look.

    This doesn't look like an iPhone 3GS? :confused:


    long haired dachshund. long haired dachshund blonde.
  • long haired dachshund blonde.

  • Piggie
    Apr 22, 08:51 AM
    How about this:

    When you are born, you are given, in effect a serial number. which is yours as a human being for life.

    When you buy any digital media, this is linked to our number for life.

    This means for as long as you live, and whatever device you buy, you can access this media always.

    So I buy and iPad and I pay for the "RIGHTS" to watch/own a movie.

    I have paid my money and now that movie is mine to watch any time in the future on whatever device I buy in the future.

    long haired dachshund. long haired Dachshund dog
  • long haired Dachshund dog

  • mdntcallr
    Sep 14, 09:33 AM
    yep i smell both the aperture update,

    and hopefully the merom MBP, don't think that the macbook will be updated with merom, they need to differentiate their pro and consumer lines. also, by using the core duo chips in the macbook, perhaps they can lower the price by $100 as the cpu cost is coming down from intel with the new merom out.

    Sep 13, 11:20 PM
    Hello everyone! I've been a daily MacRumors.com nerd for about 2 years now, but I never took the time to register until today...

    I am definitely going to buy an Apple phone when and if it becomes available. I'm sure they'll get the design and interface right, as they always do. I saw someone post something on here (or maybe it was another recent thread) claiming their friend saw the Apple phone branded as a Samsung at a mobile phone convention just recently (which I totally doubt, they would never bring it out in public before release)... I think they're talking about this phone:

    Samsung SGH-Z610 (http://www.engadgetmobile.com/2006/08/29/samsungs-touchscreen-sgh-z610-sees-fcc-approval/)

    I love the design of it, but I'm really not sure if Apple would abondon the click wheel on their first step into the cell phone market. One part of me wishes they would go with a full touch screen, but I think the click wheel will make it easier to market to the masses of iPod lovers.

    Apr 11, 02:39 AM
    Care to actually show me what app that will actually do what I was talking about? :rolleyes:
    I want to play music from iTunes on my Mac as the source, and multiple airplay devices as the target. Currently I can only play to Airport Expresses and Apple TVs (and upcoming Airplay certified speakers). I want Apple to include all iOS devices to that list of target devices.

    So for some unknown reason you want to send airplay from your phone to your ipad? Or have well lets see apple tv netflix send the movie to your iphone right is this it is this what your so wanting?

    Maybe Android has just what your looking for? :p

    Apr 22, 03:04 PM
    $899 for the 13? A $400 price drop is a bit of stretch, don't you think? :D

    For rotary hd, base version - may be $200 more for the 13.3 with SSD.

    dr Dunkel
    May 3, 02:28 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; sv-se) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Meh... I was really hoping for a vastly improved Target Mode. Instead I got a seriously crippled one - no industry standard inputs and only support for a tenth of a � of the input devices on the market....

    Sep 9, 04:59 AM
    And I'm thinking... why?! 10 years ago BeOS had this down pat. The whole system was multi-threaded and multi-processor aware from the kernel all the way up through the user interface including the system services used by all native applications. It was amazingly responsive and was reported (in major publications) to gain as much as 60-70% performance by having a second CPU. I realize MacOS X is based on some old NeXTStep code which was not made for multiple processors, but come on! This is the 21st century and Apple's been selling dual processor machines for about 5 years now.

    Anyway, this is great news. I'd been drooling over the new iMacs since they were announced and wondering how much I might gain by upgrading from my 2GHz G5 PowerMac. It's very enticing.

    I agree. This is ridiculous. It's like buying an HD tv and not getting HD channels...

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