six flags rides california

six flags rides california. Ride#39; concert – Six Flags
  • Ride#39; concert – Six Flags

  • CmdrLaForge
    Apr 23, 12:03 AM
    streaming original masters of the song to prevent uploading is very smart, but will probably be only for iTunes purchased songs.

    I assume they could do that for all songs they have in the iTunes Store library independent if you purchased through iTunes or not. long as the file is in your iTunes library.

    For a song that isn't in the iTunes Store library ( those without the covers) they probably haven't negotiated any rights.

    six flags rides california. Hotels near Six Flags CA
  • Hotels near Six Flags CA

  • Veldek
    Sep 14, 02:14 AM
    screen is scaled 16x10 format (don't know if that's right or not) - key shape/layout is unknown.

    again, these are renditions, not the product itself. Although, I'd buy one...I think the buttons would be way too small to use them. But the overall looks would be quite nice.

    six flags rides california. VALENCIA, CA - MAY 21: Mr. Six
  • VALENCIA, CA - MAY 21: Mr. Six

  • SodaPopMonster
    Sep 14, 08:48 AM
    I doubt that the iPhone will be something anyone expects- It'l be something that will make people say "We should have thought of that!".

    six flags rides california. Ride Your Fears Away:
  • Ride Your Fears Away:

  • MrFirework
    Oct 27, 11:52 AM
    ...But giving out flyers to people away from their stall is NOT a good enough reason!!

    Unfortunately for Greenpace, it's a private event. Fair or not, if the organizers of said event feel like it's enough to throw them out, then it is!

    Also, let's give credit where credit is due. Apple even allowing Greenpeace to have a booth there in the fist place is akin to the Republicans allowing the Democrats to deliver a speech during the Republican Nat'l Convention, or vice versa. That's a pretty gracious move on Apple's part. They had nothing to gain by Greenpeace being there, and a lot to lose. I'm sure Apple's tolerance levels for them was extremely low coming in, and rightfully so.

    six flags rides california. six flags magic mountain rides
  • six flags magic mountain rides

  • Maxiseller
    Sep 14, 09:35 AM
    Yeh I think we all need to realize that this is a photo convention. Its almost certainly not going to hold a large interest for non-photographers or at least people who don't use photoshop or photo manipulation software.

    If you're hoping for a typical Keynote with loads of new products for consumers...well we'll have some moaning on our hands!

    six flags rides california. six flags rides pictures.
  • six flags rides pictures.

  • rtdunham
    Mar 23, 06:10 PM
    ... Honestly, do you think someone who is Drunk is going to be checking the app for the checkpoints? Its just an excuse to get rid of these apps from the store and increase revenue (by ticketing more DUI drivers)....

    Your argument's inconsistent: If drunk drivers won't be checking the app, then they'd be ticketed at the checkpoint whether or not the apps exist, so pulling the apps neither increases or decreases revenue, does it? Your argument (revenue generation) ONLY works if it increases the number of drivers ticketed because those drivers use the apps.

    Now, IF some drivers do check the app, it increases the likelihood they can avoid the checkpoint and being taken off the road. Remember, most drunks don't think they are. So they might use the app to avoid what they think is an unfair stop. But if the stop shows they are over the particular state's alcohol content level, then the system's sorted them out and done a favor for the rest of us, no?

    six flags rides california. This ride was stuck at Six
  • This ride was stuck at Six

  • Shivetya
    Apr 22, 11:49 AM
    Late 2010 - Weak processor, decent GPU
    Mid 2011 - Stronger processor, slightly worse GPU than before
    2012 - Stronger in every category

    Well its well known with Apple hardware to never buy the first generation of any new platform. The current MBA were a significant enough change from the previous to be known as a gen 1 all over again. Especially when we knew SB was around the corner. Still they are great as is.

    six flags rides california. Six Flags New orleans-
  • Six Flags New orleans-

  • Vantage Point
    Apr 25, 06:43 PM
    Fearing a design change to something like 16:9 ratio for the 2011 refresh, I bought my 2010 in late November. I really hope they remain the only computer company to not go with the 16:9 ratio. I even keep my dock parked on the side, not the bottom to get the maximum vertical space.

    Other than that the current design is simple and elegant and I love it. Having a snap in slot for a second hard drive which could quickly swap to a DVD drive would be great.

    six flags rides california. Terminator Salvation: The Ride
  • Terminator Salvation: The Ride

  • Bomino
    Apr 25, 02:45 AM
    Because I actually care about my grandparents. They have done something genuine for me, they have cared for me, they have loved me, etc.

    this love you have for your grand parents is called conditional love. AKA the love of a spoiled brat. AKA fake love.

    EDIT: you know, if your parents thought of you this way, there would be absolutely no incentive to even want to feed you.

    six flags rides california. Issix flags magica guide to
  • Issix flags magica guide to

  • ascender
    Oct 12, 04:54 PM
    Wow, can't believe some of the posts on here!

    Its a limited edition iPod and by buying it, it looks like a donation will be made to a charitable organisation set up by people who are trying to make a difference, which wants to help people less fortunate than us. Where's the problem?

    six flags rides california. six flags rides in new jersey.
  • six flags rides in new jersey.

  • 28monkeys
    Apr 20, 09:50 AM
    sue them dry, apple.

    six flags rides california. Six Flags Magic Mountain,
  • Six Flags Magic Mountain,

  • paul4339
    Apr 19, 11:09 AM
    while they can not break out of existing deals it can effect future deals.

    As for the current agreement when things like Apple sueing Samsung happens and Samsung is a major supplier this is when shipments get delayed or start arriving late. Apple falls to down on the list as clients that are important when supplies run short.
    If Apple needs a rush order guess what not going to happen. Generally you do not want to piss off your big supplier because they can cause you a world of problems with out breaking any contract.

    I don't think that's the way it happens... it's usually based on money and executive compensation. Most companies have business units that operate somewhat independently (maybe except maybe Apple and that's because SJ has been known keep his people in line).

    That is, the VP of Samsung Displays division isn't going slow down shipment or de-prioritize his good customers, just because the VP of the Cell phone division got into some trouble. He/she will not compromise his executive bonus for another division. Competition is fierce inside a company and often leads to infighting (ala Microsoft) (if anything, the VP of Displays may even be happy if the VP of cell phones is unsuccessful). I have _no_ evidence or proof of this at all, just my observations of silliness from years of being in industry.


    six flags rides california. six flags magic mountain rides
  • six flags magic mountain rides

  • rdowns
    Apr 25, 09:37 AM
    I thought your mom is a senior partner at the largest law firm in Michigan and your uncle is the traffic court judge ? :D

    Miller Canfield is the largest law firm in Michigan and they have an office in Ann Arbor. Just sayin'.

    six flags rides california. six flags rides in new jersey.
  • six flags rides in new jersey.

  • MacRumors
    Apr 4, 11:39 AM (
    Apple's Otay Ranch retail store

    San Diego 6 reports ( that an attempted holdup at Apple's Otay Ranch retail store ( in Chula Vista, California went sour this morning, with one of the robbers reportedly having been shot and killed by a mall security guard.A security guard caught the suspects smashing the glass front doors of the Apple Store at the mall before the mall opened for the day.

    The guard reportedly shot a male suspect in the head. NBC San Diego reports ( that two other suspects, one of whom had also been shot, have been arrested. The incident happened shortly before 7:00 AM this morning, before the store had opened for business.

    Article Link: Attempted Apple Store Holdup Goes Bad: Suspect Killed (

    six flags rides california. six flags rides videos. six
  • six flags rides videos. six

  • zoozx
    Sep 14, 12:38 PM
    A Digital medium format camera back to compete with $30,000.00 Digital medium format camera backs that apple sells for $9,000.00.
    Apeture included.
    I take back everything I said about the puck mouse and Steve Jobs!

    six flags rides california. six flags rides. six flags guy
  • six flags rides. six flags guy

  • Crawn2003
    Apr 25, 01:33 AM
    Wirelessly posted (iPhone: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A293 Safari/6531.22.7)

    You deserve a bad rap:rolleyes: There is nothing illegal going 5 under. It is illegal to be going 20 over. If you get caught, that is like an auto revocation of your license to give you an idea how serious it is

    And you call us laughable? How about you start practicing safe driving habits before you kill someone bud:cool:

    What is with your sense of you doing nothing wrong? seriously...the issue lies pretty much all with you as far as I am concerned...[/B]

    I'm not saying that my speed was legal, but after she brakechecked me, she dropped her speed to under 55mph which is illegal at least in portions of Michigan; there's a thing called a minimum speed limit.


    And then there's a thing called the speed limit. Doesn't matter if she did 45, 55, or 65. She's still in the right.

    You're getting your 16 year old, testosterone panties in a twist yet you admit that you went over the speed limit that you cherish so much by at least 20mph. You admit you (but not in so many words because you have that 16yo complex of I gotta be right) drove recklessly all to teach a lesson that is really not yours to teach. That is for the highway patrol and driving school.

    Regardless of what your inexperienced mind may believe, she was in the right and actually doing nothing wrong. She was traveling the speed limit. She was minding her own business until a little 16yo know-it-all comes along driving with minimum experience and equally inexperienced driver next to him.

    Unfortunate for you this seems to be a running trait in your family. Inexperience. Just because your uncle is a sitting judge doesn't make him a god. On the contrary, he's as idiotic and inexperienced as you.

    Now kid, no matter how much you slap those jaws of yours together you are wrong. We don't care that your mommy was sitting next you or that your uncle is the judge. Go ahead and drive however you want. Frankly I see your kind every day on the road.

    I'm that guy over in the left lane driving 70. I'm that guy you have to race up to and ride my bumper and zoom past me flipping me off.

    But I'm the guy that's laughing at you because honestly at the end of the day, you are just a little 16yo with a giant ego stuck up your rear.

    six flags rides california. six flags rides videos. six
  • six flags rides videos. six

  • G5Unit
    Sep 4, 08:00 PM
    WO0t! PowerBook G5 tuesday after next!

    six flags rides california. six flags rides. six flags
  • six flags rides. six flags

  • TheSailerMan
    Oct 12, 08:45 PM
    I was wondering when this was going to happen. I'm glad it finally has, though the news has been a bit abrupt, especially for an Apple product.

    As much as I like U2's music and how much I'd love to donate money to cure/treat AIDS, I won't be buying one of these.

    I like the blue nano too much to buy a red one just because $10 goes to charity, plus... I've been told that red "isn't my color." Seriously.

    This morning I was wearing a solid red t-shirt, kind of like the red that the nano is, and my mom told me to change my shirt. There's nothing wrong with the shirt, there's no profane graphics on it (actually, no graphics at all) and it wasn't wrinkled, she just told me that red "isn't my color" (even though she's the one that bought me the shirt)!

    Hmmm.... does anyone think this will get Greenpeace off Apple's back?:D
    Eh... probably not.:rolleyes:

    six flags rides california. GOLIATH Six Flags magic
  • GOLIATH Six Flags magic

  • Am3822
    Sep 14, 09:26 AM
    The merom/mbp thing is turning to be the macrumors' production of Godot.

    Mar 29, 01:13 PM
    what the heck LOL, this is a joke right? I have NEVER seen a single new windows phone being used in public nor do I see that many Android devices in the UK. mostly I see

    1. BlackBerries
    2. iPhones

    never seen a new windows phone LOL, most people who are happy with iPhones etc, will stick with them and won't bother going for anything else.

    Looking at the email notification I got of your original list before your edit:
    1. BlackBerries

    2. iPhones

    3. HTC'S <--- Those would be your Android/WP7 phones. ;)

    4. Nokia N-Series

    Jul 14, 12:39 PM
    Yes, but to the average consumer. These things aren't very important. They will be looking at Ghz, and Apple's "X times faster" looks at the processor. That is what Apple is marketing, not FSB.

    Yup, I know Apple's marketing loves to be ridiculous. :p 95% of customers* wouldn't notice the difference. I'm one of the 5% who will notice it but its not like I'm buying one, my iMac G5 will keep me happy for another 2+ years.

    *75% of statistics are made up on the spot ;)

    Sep 26, 07:22 AM
    I hope it isn't O2, that would be a shame. To be honest, any network lockins would be bad.
    My vote would be Orange if I had the choice.

    Machead III
    Sep 4, 04:03 AM
    Oh man, this just get's more and more confusing.

    Now The Register are claiming there'll be Merom's not only in the MacBook Pro, but in the MacBook too in September.

    I wish Apple'd tell us when we'll see them at least, on the 12th, but that's not going to happen :(

    Apr 11, 06:34 AM
    Because the 3rd party device could be in your neighbours house so your neighbour can see or hear anything that is played through AirPlay from your devices without you knowing. And you might be playing stuff that you wouldn't want your neighbour to see.

    That's not quite correct. Yes, the RAOP stream can now be decrypted, but the stream itself goes over your Wi-Fi network. So long as your Wi-Fi network is secure then no one outside the network can touch the stream. And if you haven't got WPA2 set up, you've got far bigger problems than your neighbours watching your homemade p0rn.

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