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  • aristobrat
    Sep 19, 03:26 PM
    I'm not touching it until they offer 5.1 sound. I'm sure its just a matter of time, though.
    I thought they had 5.1 sound already in the movie downloads?

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  • Cinch
    Sep 5, 01:06 PM
    But with every attempt, the chance of success increases significantly. Lets keep our fingers crossed. :)

    I think a simpler explanation is that certain things are never meant to be together.

    Video on demand are NetFlix currently fill the niche, if there is a niche. Whatever Apple do, it has to be simple and easy i.e. it doesn't require lots of thinking..a lazy person can operate. This is the living room not the office where I don't care to navigate my computer to search for movies to watch.


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  • Chris Bangle
    Sep 4, 05:13 AM
    Something has to happen on the 12th becuase there were reports that british press had been invited. We'll find out tomarrow coz invites usually get sent a week before.

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  • DRewPi
    Sep 3, 05:57 AM
    Is Apple goin to pull out several tuesday upgrades like the 5th, the 12th, and so on .... ???? that should be very nice for us .... !!! macusers :D :cool: ;)

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  • afields
    Sep 12, 02:21 PM
    let the whining begin

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  • Multimedia
    Aug 31, 04:09 PM
    Are we going to have live MR Coverage of the event? :)Is the Pope German? :rolleyes:

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  • aeaglex07
    Apr 20, 01:18 PM
    Law abiding people have nothing to fear. I guess that makes Anne Frank, the subjects of McCarthy, etc. etc. criminals. It's a good thing they didn't have iPhones.

    exactly. here in the US we have rights, whether people accept it or not.

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  • BenRoethig
    Sep 1, 11:40 AM
    wow. would that be the biggest mainstream desktop around?
    Biggest, yes. Mainstream, not even close.

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  • Maccus Aurelius
    Oct 27, 08:49 PM
    Just for the record, I hate greencepeace and everything they stand for.

    Actually, it's not what they stand for that's the problem. the problem is their methods. They grandstand and make big a big stink, which completely destroys their credibility. im all for better components, but id never associate myself with those fruits.

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  • VPrime
    Apr 30, 05:02 PM
    The bottleneck is internet speed. Until the world has South Korean-esque internet speeds, physical media isn't going anywhere.
    Well he was talking about things happening in the Future. 2016 is a long time from now especially in the tech world. Quite possible for internet speeds to catch up.

    What kind of media do you expect that "cloud" to store data with? Your statement delves into the realm of privacy concern.
    Cloud storage already exists. Look at dropbox, amazon, wuala, Carbonite. Lots of stuff which can handle user files and media already. Again, the person I quoted was talking about things in 2016, so quite possible for things to change by then.
    Also look at services like Netflix and itunes. They seem to be handling "cloud" based streaming just fine. Even right now in 2011 you can watch an HD movie by just streaming it to your device rather than using a physical disk. Who knows what can happen in 5 years in the tech industry.

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  • jz1492
    Nov 13, 03:56 PM
    The difference is with a client I can show them a prototype, or mock up, prior to having to put all the resources into creating a fully functioning app.

    I don't know about you, but I have done it many, many times, and I have never encountered a client who doesn't want at the end to tweak and add and tweak and sometimes reject, then conditionally approve, their way to deployment.

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  • *LTD*
    Apr 19, 07:24 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    One part supplier gone, another one pops up.

    Samsung can't afford to lose customers the likes of Apple.

    Regardless, this suit has nothing to do with Samsung's supply agreements with Apple. Bridges won't be burned, Samsung won't breach their contracts, and the sky won't fall.

    It's just business. And yes, a lot of entities are guilty of ripping off Apple's work. It's almost a favorite pastime in the industry. Apple has the wherewithal to go after whomever the wish without fear of losing customers, partners, or suppliers. Yeah, they are *that* secure, folks. Welcome to 2011 and the beginning of a massive growth phase for Apple driven by insane customer demand.

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  • miketcool
    Sep 13, 09:49 PM
    So the search feature is related to dialing? Man, this is only throwing fuel into an uniterrested group of people worn from constant rumorings of whimsical phones.

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  • Pravius
    Apr 22, 08:38 AM
    You, sir, get it. The technologies create new capabilities that will adapt to the market. The luddites are only capable of seeing innovation as a loss.

    Out of fear imo... or boredom... :P

    technological anxiety? :)

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  • johneaston
    Apr 22, 03:35 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    So this cloud thing will allow me to listen to my music on multiple devices that have an internet connection.

    Well I can already listen to my music on my MacBook, iPad and iPhone so why would I want it?

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  • aristotle
    Nov 13, 11:56 PM
    Come off it, cmaier has a darn good point. Apple is being utterly ridiculous in this debacle between themselves and Rogue Amoeba. There was no reason at all that such a debate should have evolved into a 3 month conflict, nor was it that it should have ended with Rogue Amoeba having to indulge their customers in a battle with Apple over icons. Having user interface unity is something Apple strives for in all of their products. By giving 3rd party developers the ninth degree over something so ingrained in this product is simply stupid. It does nothing to help the end user, ingrain the confidence of developers, or aid Apple. It just brings out end users and developers with grievances and sharpened pitchforks.
    Dude. You have a double standard. If Apple were to infringe on the copyright of someone else, you would be here pitchfork in hand screaming for blood.

    If you look on other sites like macnn, you will see that the airfoil app does not only display Apple icons but rather the icon of whatever browser is configured as the main browser. They cannot make the claim that they have to right to use the Firefox, Camino or Omniweb icon in their app. It is not "streaming" the icon data, it is copied over and displayed superimposed on another icon which is presumably an internal OS X bundle. The audio is streamed but those icons are copied over and superimposed on each other on the phone. That is a clear violation of the IP of other programs in a manner that is not consistent with use on the mac it was pulled from.

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  • dvkid
    Nov 13, 01:07 PM
    Why does Apple think it's okay to continually alienate and turn away developers?? :confused: Why do fanboys continue to excuse such incidences? Why aren't people SICK of this kind of behavior from Apple? :mad:

    Obviously people are. Rogue Amoeba and Joe Hewitt both jumping ship on the same day doesn't seem to be a coincidence to me.

    However, until this has a noticeable impact on the user, most won't be as upset as the developers are. Facebook will continue where Joe left off, and Rogue Amoeba's app served a very specific audience (albeit very well). If Facebook were to, say, remove their app from the store, then this might hit people's radar in a meaningful way.

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  • seenew
    Aug 31, 02:03 PM
    There will are not relay organized at AppleExpo

    Wtf does that even mean?!

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  • JZ Wire
    Sep 10, 02:13 AM
    I was credit card in hand when these were released, but I stopped myself. I'd like to wait a bit and see the 64 bit boost (if there is any), and Leopard in general.

    I feel like these are speed demons, but I can't take advantage of a lot of it due to my heavy use of CS2 and the in-between feeling of Apple's apps/OS right now.

    The second Leopard is out, I'm on the 24" iMac train.

    Yea, I know what you mean. Apple needs to get on the ball with that already. They have been shipping dual core machines for a while yet OS X cant truly take advantage of it. Since intel will be using more cores as time goes by it only makes sense for OS X and it's apps to be able to harness the full power of all the cores/processors. I really really hope thats what they have planned for Leopard. Maybe its one of the " Super Secret Features" ??? :rolleyes:

    NY Guitarist
    Apr 30, 05:43 PM
    Those guys must not have existed before the advent of LCD monitors... what did those guys do with the big glass tubes ?

    Bought monitors with anti-glare coatings. And monitor hoods.

    Oct 27, 11:51 AM
    Good for Apple. Get those tree hugging hippies out of there. Everytime Greenpeace complains Steve Jobs kills a baby seal.I think Steve Jobs considered himself one of those hippies. He only eats organic foods and is a vegan. He rides a bike too. We saw him ride to Stanford Shopping Center a couple months ago. I doubt he likes any group affecting his bottomline, but I bet he's pushing to make things more environmentally friendly. Plus, there's plenty of places to recycle electronics and I'm not sure why corporations are being held responsible. I'd imagine waste managment companies could offer that service as they do recycling for other products. I'm a firm believer that it's an individuals responsibility to recycle, but companies need to make an effort in the production process as well.

    Apr 28, 03:28 PM
    Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.... Oh and beat Microsoft in first Quarter profits. :cool:

    Apr 23, 01:47 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Aren't intel in the process on implementing Open CL?

    Apr 18, 04:26 PM
    1. If you are on Salary, you contractually agreed to get the job done regardless of the typical "work week". If you don't want to work long hours, don't accept a salaried position.

    2. I am just as whole-heartedly against forcing hourly employees to work unpaid overtime. That would be "theft" or "servitude". Totally different.

    Ooohhh. So being on a salary, even a measly one for a basic desk job, means you are now at your employers beck and call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, come hell or high water? Got it. So, if more work comes in and the amount you are given to do increases substantially, you just suck it up and work that many more hours because they won't hire more people for the extra work? That sounds like a pretty awful world...but pretty much what goes on. Too bad people like you manage to convince people it's how life should be.

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