selena gomez hot 2011

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 20, 11:43 AM
    Calendar wise it is... but most people don't view the middle of September as "summer". Meteorological summer is over by then, and that's MUCH more important, IMO.

    That's not "Calendar" summer, it is based on cycles of the sun, precisely, the solstices and equinoxes. ;)

    It just so happens that the Fall equinox falls in mid-september while Summer solstice is on the 21st of June.

    This is true the world over, it is not a "US thing".

    selena gomez hot 2011. selena gomez hot 2011. selena
  • selena gomez hot 2011. selena

  • Mister Snitch
    Apr 5, 02:47 PM
    Hey, Toyota HAD to pull the plug. Rumor has it that Apple was going to counter with a 'hijack a Toyota' campaign!

    selena gomez hot 2011. selena gomez hot 2011. selena
  • selena gomez hot 2011. selena

  • ChazUK
    Mar 29, 11:34 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.3; en-gb; Blade Build/FRG83) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)

    Storing some music locally on my phone and having a 20gb cloud of music and having it all accessable via a single app is brilliant.

    A good move and potentially good product from Amazon. Looking forward to a UK release!

    selena gomez hot 2011. selena gomez hot 2011. selena
  • selena gomez hot 2011. selena

  • dhc
    Nov 26, 10:47 AM
    I see this being used as the interface remote for iTV. As a full-blown PDA device, no.

    I think this is likely, too, though I'm sure it would have additional functionality that has yet been discussed.

    selena gomez hot 2011. selena gomez hot 2011. selena
  • selena gomez hot 2011. selena

  • Surreal
    Jul 24, 10:04 AM
    I bought the 17" MBP the day it came out and i must say;

    i don't care about these new chips.

    that feels really good.

    thank you apple. finally.

    selena gomez hot 2011. selena gomez hot pics 2011.
  • selena gomez hot pics 2011.

  • twoodcc
    Aug 11, 09:45 AM
    dang, right after i go and buy a Macbook......:eek:

    selena gomez hot 2011. Selena gomez hot style
  • Selena gomez hot style

  • ChickenSwartz
    Aug 12, 06:43 PM
    Not sure why you guys think you will get a free iPod with a new MBP.. Did you read the Terms and conditions? Where does it list the new MBP ?

    They did add the Mac Pro so you guys still have hopes to get a free iPod if released in time.

    selena gomez hot 2011. selena gomez hot. selena gomez
  • selena gomez hot. selena gomez

  • Riemann Zeta
    Mar 27, 11:40 AM
    Yay let us all surrender our privacy to the cloud... Sometimes I feel like the only one that understands the long term implications cloud based computer has when we allow our content and log files on others' servers. Thankfully I know I'm not the only one though.
    Nope, not the only one. Boo to the cloud and everything related to it. I'd rather not have all of my data on a massive public server, available to Apple, advertisers and any government agency at all times. Those claiming that "it's encrypted" are not fully appreciating the security implications of not having control over the implementation of said encryption. For example, SSL/HTTPS is "encrypted" as well, but since Certificate Authorities give signed master-key certificates to all government intelligence and law enforcement agencies, it isn't technically 100% secure (despite mathematically unbreakable encryption).

    Taking off the tin-foil hat and simply thinking about economics: I still don't understand how cloud computing is actually going to become a dominant market force. There are now only 3 wireless providers in the US, forming a tight oligopoly, and all of them are incredibly stingy with data caps and limitations. Moreover, there are only a handful of unique internet providers in the US and all are cutting client bandwidth, raising prices and instituting throttling or monthly data caps. So it would seem that big software companies like Apple, Microsoft and Google are pushing the idea of streaming everything; but internet providers only want to supply bandwidth for their own cable TV services. Something just doesn't add up. How is one supposed to have no local storage and just stream music and video when their wireless connection only allows for 2GB/month and their home ISP throttles everything other than its own cable TV service?

    selena gomez hot 2011. selena gomez hot 2011. selena
  • selena gomez hot 2011. selena

  • juicedropsdeuce
    Apr 26, 02:49 PM
    This would be a GREAT time to delay the release of the next iPhone until September. Actually that's optimistic, it took them almost a year to get the white one right. :rolleyes:

    selena gomez hot 2011. selena gomez hot pics 2011.
  • selena gomez hot pics 2011.

  • na1577
    Mar 26, 11:39 PM
    And, why would they sell iPhone 5 without iOS 5? Thats just ... :confused:

    Well it's not unprecedented. The iPad 2 shipped with iOS 4.3, which added support for the device and its new features, but not much else.

    selena gomez hot 2011. selena gomez hot 2011. selena
  • selena gomez hot 2011. selena

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 18, 04:11 PM
    No, my point is they're not designed to be marketed and sold as cheap knock off that confuse customers.

    Anyone can tell them apart, just from the bottom button alone if nothing else.

    Irrelevant. Just because I stick a Ford logo on the hood doesn't mean I can make my new Mustang look like a Porsche Carrera clone.

    Industrial design is legally protected work. And should be. It doesn't matter how you price your competing product.

    selena gomez hot 2011. selena gomez hot 2011. selena
  • selena gomez hot 2011. selena

  • japanime
    Mar 29, 05:57 PM
    Sounds very subjective when you give no cost of living comparisons.

    The cost of living in Japan is very comparable to that of the United States. VERY. And I speak from experience, having lived both in rural and metro America as well as rural and metro Japan.

    And you are the one who brought up "happy" employees. How do you objectively measure "happiness"?

    selena gomez hot 2011. selena gomez hot 2011.
  • selena gomez hot 2011.

  • addicted44
    Mar 29, 09:06 AM
    I dont think so, Amazon cannot get the app needed for the streaming/storing of content on your phone or tablet approved in the appstore since. It violates apples terms, if you or anyone else has an issue with it, contact apple.

    Amazon Cloud storage app on android scans you sd/local storage for music then allows you to upload it into the cloud. Apple for one wont let another mp3 store on its phones and for 2, apple wont let that service scan for music.

    So why is the website blocking access?

    That being said, I hope Apple's preview of the future of iOS gets done with all the restrictions after all. Fighting with companies who want to build on your platform is not gonna lead them anywhere.

    selena gomez hot 2011. selena gomez hot pics 2011.
  • selena gomez hot pics 2011.

  • pmz
    Mar 29, 12:49 PM
    Yo! check out this key clause to Amazon's Terms Of Use >

    5.2.Our Right to Access Your Files.
    You give us the right to access, retain, use and disclose your account information and Your Files: to provide you with technical support and address technical issues; to investigate compliance with the terms of this Agreement, enforce the terms of this Agreement and protect the Service and its users from fraud or security threats; or as we determine is necessary to provide the Service or comply with applicable law.

    WTF ???!!!

    Thank you for digging that out. Obviously no one should ever use this. Uploading your stuff to their servers = unlimited access by them to your stuff.

    Great. No thanks, Amazon. Not that I trust Apple more than you (I don't), but you make it clear that you likely will access people's documents, files, photos, audio.

    You'll get the dumb squad to sign up for your crap. They always come out whenever there is something bad to sign up for.

    selena gomez hot 2011. selena gomez hot 2011.
  • selena gomez hot 2011.

  • Number 41
    Mar 28, 12:03 PM
    My 3GS is working just fine -- I'm more than content to wait for a real refresh to the iPhone (not some garbage update that keeps the same flawed form factor re: antenna and use of a shattering glass back).

    Most people claiming they'll switch won't -- rebuying your Apps for the Android marketplace represents a non-insubstantial hidden cost to switching for many people.

    selena gomez hot 2011. selena gomez hot 2011.
  • selena gomez hot 2011.

  • kas23
    Mar 29, 08:36 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2 like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C134 Safari/6533.18.5)

    The web player cannot be played on iOS devices? Really? Is it Flash-based?

    Geez, this seems like the Mac vs PC wars all over again. But, I can't blame Amazon for not making a native iOS app. I wouldn't want to blindly give Apple 30% of my profits either.

    selena gomez hot 2011. selena gomez hot 2011. selena
  • selena gomez hot 2011. selena

  • kavika411
    Mar 29, 08:49 AM
    Okay, nice, guys. This is MacRumors, not AmazonRumors. Who gives a crap about Amazon? Move along now.

    Oh, so Amazon's cloud offering will have no bearing on what Apple rolls out? Sounds like you've got this all figured out.

    selena gomez hot 2011. selena gomez hot 2011. selena
  • selena gomez hot 2011. selena

  • MacBoobsPro
    Aug 2, 11:20 AM
    What time is the QT stream likely to be uploaded at

    BTW I know its not a live feed!

    selena gomez hot 2011. selena gomez hot wallpapers
  • selena gomez hot wallpapers

  • reiggin
    May 6, 12:21 AM
    This is the most ridiculous thing to appear on the MacRumors front page in quite some time.

    Xian Zhu Xuande
    Apr 5, 06:49 PM
    That has never been Apples stance ( when ever I read their reasons) its become the "Common wisdom" among many people who are Anti Jailbreaking.

    And they argue and argue with nonsense.
    First, I'll set aside that I don't care what the 'common wisdom' of people who are anti-jailbreaking is. Second, you failed to actually refute any single point I made in this part of your reply. Third, I wasn't actually talking about unlocking�I was talking about piracy with some other considerations. Apple's chief interest is to protect its platform, and aside from securing revenue, that also means protecting its developers. Unlocking is a point I overlooked, though. It may be in Apple's interest to go out of their way to prevent that as well depending on how they handle it with wireless providers.

    Unlocking is legal and many people just can't accept it.
    Who cares if it is legal? That's not what this is about.

    Why Apple caused this due to control.
    I would agree with this statement at face value in the sense that Apple does want to control security of their platform, sales in the App Store, their carrier agreements�but I'll wager you meant it more along the lines of 'schoolyard bully' control, and that would just be ignorant. Whenever Apple (or, for that matter, most any company) does something which upsets some users it is carefully weighed and done only with good reason.

    You also point out another Myth created by apple, the "Quality of product" myth. They have to control the product to provide quality. So far I can name 10's to 100's of times Apple has failed to provide such good tight control on the quality of their products, from:

    Updates to IOS that crash or disable basic functioning of the device to
    Apps in apple's own App store that either violate peoples information and bank accounts to apps that simply do not work and people paid money for them. The Iphone antenna, yes these are just the examples I can quickly post.

    I can prove apple is delinquent in its stewardship of "Quality" Apple has a great ability to be teflon company with Steve Jobs getting on stage and exclaiming the problem is never Apple its always something else. Steve should of ran for president............:rolleyes:
    Oh, good, I'm glad you've shared your subjective interpretation of this matter to set me straight. Or not. Apple's quality of product far exceeds virtually anything their competition releases, and that includes nearly all of their product categories. If you expect hardware and software to be released completely bug free you're living in an insane dreamland.

    Computers by companies like HP, for example, are on occasion released with serious bugs (drive conflict BSoDs out the box, frequent DOAs, issues like broken audio) but nobody actually reports this. It is because nobody really cares. Customers just return the computers or employees of stores send them back to the company or perform the relevant upgrade (as communicated with the company; the later is frequently the case in stores like Best Buy).

    As for phones, competition of iOS (especially Android) frequently comes with incomplete or unstable features and it is fleshed out as the user goes along. It is all a part of Google's development cycle (nothing necessarily wrong with this different approach�some prefer it) or the half-assed way in which some third-parties (e.g. Motorola) treat a device (due to having less control over the platform, and less personal interest in adequately testing the devices�something they can get away with because one generic device does not garner anywhere near as much PR or news as a flagship Apple product).

    Rage != Wisdom or Knowledge

    Apr 7, 01:35 PM
    And I see people are still taking the word monopoly used here too literally.

    Yeah, we know what a real monopoly is. Thanks.

    And here in the U.S. It generally starts with a company getting too much of the market and stifling out the competition. That's why there's the FTC.

    Ok, so if you know what a monopoly is, why are you ok with the word being used incorrectly? And the FTC still can't prosecute or investigate unless there is evidence of wrongdoing...based on the actual, legal definition of monopoly.

    I don't get what you are trying to say. Is it that you know the legal definition of monopoly and anti-competetive, but you don't care because it looks like Apple has a monopoly, and think the FTC will investigate them based on how it feels?

    Aelated to the subject line, if it were any other company, like Microsoft, Dell or whomever pre-ordering and buying whole supply lines knowing their competitors would be strangled, there would be an antitrust/monopoly case launched immediately. The simple fact that Apple is a media and government darling precludes them from any serious thought by officials that would choose to stop this monopoly from continuing. Just as above, I know 9/10 fans here will blast me for stating the honest truth, but.. true story bro. Apple can do no wrong and their fan base is living proof of that.

    Apple is a media darling, but how is it a government darling? Apple has been investigated in the past.

    Apple can certainly do wrong in its customers eyes. It is currently screwing over is true Pro customers. They are being slow in adopting a few new technologies that would leapfrog them (VFS, resolution independence). Many customers complain about the price (although Apple rarely lowers them, a hike is even more rare). Apple is currently straddling a position where they must cater to their growing casual users and their pro customers. And they are generally picking the casual, but also transitioning the Pros. For example, the new MacPros are a huge ripoff unless you go big...but you can get an iMac for a fraction of the price thats faster/equal to the low end MP.

    There are many people here who like to say Apple only acts in its own best interest, and not for customers interests, etc etc. Please name ONE example where they acted solely in their own self interest to the detriment of customers. This does not count simple business decisions (like discontinuing Xserve since it wasn't selling well). Many of their decisions have explanations or alternative solutions...but then, that would make me a fanboy if I explained it I suppose. Apple is no angel but it is certainly no devil, and it is far more competent than most tech companies.

    There are Apple fans out there, but also people who choose them simply because they like it better. If someone is an Android/Windows fan thats fine. I don't complain about any of their products, business decisions. or saturation of business as unfair. Mostly, because I frankly don't care; they haven't offered a product I have been interested in since college. I'm sure HTC and Samsung make quality gear, but there is no buzz around them. Its not because Apple pays people. Its because people, especially creative and non-computer saavy people (which means most of the population and opinion leaders) like using Apple products. If you think that automatically means the product sucks, then I can't help you.

    In general, if Apple is so bad and its followers so stupid, then how come they are crushing in the tablet and music market, leading the phone market (in design, mindshare, and media coverage), and coveted in the laptop market (running the most profitable customers and setting the standard for design and quality)?

    Its called results, or, figuring out what customers want from their computers.

    Nov 26, 04:32 PM
    Transmeta black hole sucking.

    Ehe... I had no idea... Then again, (I hope I'm not starting a flamewar here :D ), the G4 kinda "sucks", performance-wise, when compared to a C2D...

    I'm not saying that the OQO is a top performer. I never tried one and haven't seen benchmarks on the Trasmeta, so I'll take your word for it.

    But, I mean, just look at the *size* of that thing! Apple could conceivably produce a product like that with an ULV processor, and with similar (or even better) specs, right?

    Nov 22, 05:38 AM
    Not PC guys, but good industrial and interface designers will. Starting with a clean sheet with little or no knowledge on the subject is an advantage; you tend to have different perceptions on how things work/could work. This gives a far greater idea base with simpler implementations as a result.

    Advantage Apple.

    So Apple has an advantage here because they have no experience in a market where it traditionally takes to get a device right? No, Apple doesn't have an advantage, any more than they did with the iPod - but they didn't need that advantage then either.

    Apple could change the way phones are made as well, but only if they rethink the device from the ground up. Most phones have too many features that it takes too long to figure out how to use, don't have enough battery life, and are too painful to get hooked up to your computer so you can transfer photos and songs back and forth. Apple has the synchronization stuff down. If you can sync it like an iPod - and charge it in the process, its already leaps above most phones out there. But they cannot miss the interface.

    If they want a camera on it (optional in my opinion) they have to make it dirt simple to use (scroll wheel to zoom, middle button to snap) and to get the photos taken on it into iPhoto. Otherwise, skip it altogether. And please don't make me fumble around to find the right button to hit to answer a call. Open it to answer the call, close it to hang up. And if you aren't going to put the number buttons in a tranditional layout - don't put them on there at all. I don't have the time or energy to learn some idiotic circular arrangement. I'd rather you put the numbers up on a touch screen and let me smudge up my phone than deal with a non-standard button arrangement. It also has to be hearty - I don't have time for a phone that stops working if I drop it 3 feet onto a carpeted floor.

    It goes on and on. And that is why the interviewee is saying it's so hard. Apple does a pretty good job of industrial design, but even they may need an iteration or two to get it right. And in the mean time the current players could play some catch up.

    Aug 2, 08:01 PM
    It was introduced last Thursday along with the Core 2 Duo for desktop (Merom, Conroe, and Woodcrest).

    I believe someone quote an Intel official saying consumors should see Core 2 Duo Mobile computers by late August.

    My [selfish?] logic:
    Aug 7 + shipping in two weeks = late August

    I just do not see any mention of it on Intel's site. Desktop Core 2 Duos were announced 27 July.

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