borders and frames

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  • FelixGV
    Oct 3, 12:30 AM
    Wouldn't it be ironic if the once closed iPod+iTunes ecosystem suddenly became open to every music store except the Zune Marketplace? Fairplay would effectively replace PlaysForSure, the only closed DRM would be the Zune's, and every other music player manufacturer would be left with no music store compatibility at all until they slowly die... And the mythic Apple vs Micro$oft war would rage once again.

    As others have mentionned, I see 2 negative things with this:

    borders and frames. clip art orders and frames.
  • clip art orders and frames.

  • AP_piano295
    Apr 25, 03:35 PM
    You expect employees who make minimum wage to break up a fight? They should call the cops, but for sure not break up a fight.

    Your damn right I do, I've kicked people out of stores before for being rude to employees, shouting at each other, behaving inappropriately and refusing to respond to reasonable requests.

    If people started fighting in my place of work i would absolutely get involved, probably starting with dumping a bucket of mop water over them.

    I've broke up a fight between 14 and 15 years old siblings while I was teaching a ski lesson. And I wouldn't have hesitated if it had been two 20 year olds.

    When did we become so bloody apathetic and wimpy that were afraid of breaking up a fight between a group of girls. As far as I'm concerned I could give a damn about trans gender or not.

    If you work somewhere you have a position of authority and that makes it your job to protect all people in your store, sack up and diffuse the situation.

    borders and frames. Frames amp; Ornate Borders
  • Frames amp; Ornate Borders

  • dunk321
    Mar 17, 01:38 AM
    I just told a story and everybody is entitled to their personal opinion, what's done is done, I wasn't look for any congrats for this posting, but I Thank you all for the laughs

    borders and frames. clip art orders and frames.
  • clip art orders and frames.

  • janitorC7
    Jan 15, 10:52 PM
    Overall I liked it but there were some obvious things lacking.

    I think that there are somethings that were cut out, because they were not ready, I think that time-capsule was supposed to be part of a greater home integration kit.


    borders and frames. Borders amp; Frames
  • Borders amp; Frames

  • Ironduke
    Apr 15, 02:35 PM
    If its Metal wifi & 3G would suck

    borders and frames. create orders and frames,
  • create orders and frames,

  • twoodcc
    May 11, 03:27 PM
    False alarm it was a single threaded a0 work unit, grrrr :mad:

    and now it's back to a3's...

    oh man, dang.

    well there's still hope that my home built rig is going. a bigadv unit posted today for me, but i'm not sure which machine it should be. i'll find out tomorrow though

    borders and frames. Frames and Borders Set 3
  • Frames and Borders Set 3

  • jaw04005
    Sep 8, 12:18 AM
    Its Music. Music now a days contains some curse words. There were no 5 year olds in that audience...

    Some adults don't use such words in their everyday life for various reasons. I think it's a personal choice whether you choose to listen to "explicit" music, and I wouldn't assume "everyone has" anything. Obviously, it was rather weird to have that type of language in such as professional atmosphere. I wouldn't expect to see it on MTV (without beeps), much less an Apple keynote presentation.

    I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't get "edited" out in the next few days as more people see it.

    borders and frames. Whimsy Borders and Frames
  • Whimsy Borders and Frames

  • ct2k7
    Mar 13, 08:08 AM
    Wait a while.

    Tablets replacing servers? No way, no thank you.

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  • Chip NoVaMac
    Mar 9, 11:06 PM
    It's Apple's philosophy. It comes down to building priorities around it and executing on them.


    It's not marketing-speak or hyperbole for the camera. It's an artist speaking about his work. Can you identify with this?

    Apple operates from a completely different place and mindset from everyone else.


    Simple. They actually give a damn about the User Experience. They understand that tech is used by PEOPLE, and people have lives to get on with. So . . . simplify, simplify, simplify; cut, cut cut; and then work to perfect what's left over.

    That's the beauty of it. It's very Zen. Perfection - or rather, sublimity - is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to take away.

    Why doesn't the competition do this or think this way?

    1) Their priority is to make as much money in as little time as possible and to do it as cheaply as possible.

    2) They're stupid.

    Most of the time, #1 happens because of #2.

    And there is no cure for #2.

    Very well put... it is Apple's attention to the user experience that keeps us buying Apple products that we never knew we wanted or needed. Only time will tell if Steve Jobs is/was the visionary that brought Apple to the heights it now enjoys. IMO he is... he brought Apple back from near bankruptcy.

    To be honest, I yawned when the first iPod was released. But then I finally bit the "Apple" and was won over. Smartphones left me wanting. Tried the Windows and Palm smartphones and they left me wanting. Till I got the 1st gen iPhone. This was what I expected a smartphone to be like. Three years later I upgraded to the iPhone 4.

    To be blunt, there have been some misses. The first ATV was nice but could not see it for the price and the limits it had out of the box. But the ATV2 gave me what I was looking for at a price that made it a no brainer for me.

    Some call me an Apple fanboy. To me that is not fair. Some feel that Apple offers products that exists in a closed system that Apple controls, and that is true. But it is that closed system that I believe helps in some ways the user experience and safety from malware.

    And in some ways it hurts the user experience at the same time. Example is with ATV2 and Netflix. I can not search for GLBT titles from ATV2 as a genre.

    Is Apple perfect in their business model? No, but I am willing to accept it for the overall user experience....

    borders and frames. clip art orders and frames
  • clip art orders and frames

  • nim23
    Apr 16, 06:45 AM
    I believe these could be real...

    I made a comment the other day about a spotting and this was exactly the kind of this the person saw.

    And it makes perfect sense not having a 3G bar at the top, perhaps there will be a cheaper non-3G version out? Would that be a possibility?

    I'd also say that my only complaint with the 3G and 3GS was the plastic back... The metal back on the 1st gen was brilliant, and sturdy... I was surprised to see them defer from that with gen2 and 3...

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  • diamond.g
    Apr 21, 10:41 AM
    I just noticed them as well. Was kinda surprised, but figured out what they were pretty quick!

    borders and frames. Clipart Borders Frames.
  • Clipart Borders Frames.

  • Ugg
    May 4, 04:46 PM
    Which brings me back to my initial reply. A "Firearm" has ZERO possibility of injuring your child, until someone behaves irresponsibly. I am fine with a doctor providing a pamphlet of common household hazards and steps to prevent them, but I get the feeling this is not the case. I can too easily imagine the doctor going off on a tangent about firearms deaths statistics, etc...

    But again, the most important part: If you dont want your doctor "politicing" you, GO TO A NEW DOCTOR. There should NEVER be laws against what you can or can not say.

    Dude, you're clueless.

    I have a severe congenital hearing loss and it's really amazing how parents don't really understand the long term consequences of poor hearing protection.

    Just as in almost all other health matters, the more exposure to loud noises when young, the more likely a child is to end up with a hearing loss as he ages. Some parents do insist on hearing protection when using firearms, but I'm sure there are a lot that don't. Shooting guns without hearing protection is like taking a five year old to a Nascar race. Very, very irresponsible simply based on the noise level.

    I'm sure Dr Choi was speaking of the danger of firearms being discharged by and around children with a lack of supervision, but your tunnel vision when it comes to the health and safety of children is appalling.

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  • zeroh3ro
    Apr 9, 03:28 AM

    Pokemon DSI, with pokemon black for �99 \M/

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  • michaelflynn
    Apr 5, 03:40 PM
    Hahahahahaha what a joke

    borders and frames. Glossy Borders amp; Frames is a
  • Glossy Borders amp; Frames is a

  • bugfaceuk
    Apr 29, 05:43 PM
    Or the new MacBook Air and all other Macs will move to 4GB standard.

    You can use it with 2GB but it is not a very good experience, even with a just handful of Apps open.

    It's WAY too early to judge Lion's memory consumption. In my experience, only the final GM build (unsurprisingly) has ever had even a remotely similar memory profile to the final product experience.

    borders and frames. clip art orders and frames
  • clip art orders and frames

  • maflynn
    Apr 12, 07:53 AM
    No need to argue or try to change his mind. When someone is very close minded there is no reasoning.


    There are some really good PC manufacturers and for some windows is a good fit. OSX has some great advantages over windows, but it also has some disadvantages. You pick the computer (and OS) that best fits your needs. I like the idea of building my own computer and I can pick exactly what components I want into the computer - that's another option. You can then run windows or OSX (or even Linux) depending on which you prefer.

    The childish fanboyism the posted here does nothing to add to the dialog.

    borders and frames. orders and frames. clipart
  • orders and frames. clipart

  • jaw04005
    Apr 9, 12:50 PM
    Some of it is copying, but it's good for consumers. The program packaging is because Microsoft is planning to release an App Store for Windows.

    I'm just glad Microsoft is focusing on consumer features in their operating system instead of just enterprise features. I hope they revamp Media Center with the Windows Phone UI and ditch Windows Media Player all together in favor of the Zune software (or turn WMP into a QuickLook-like application).

    As for Lion, I expect Apple is holding back some major features for WWDC. While Versions, AirDrop, Mission Control and Launchpad are all "tentpole" user features, there has to be more coming. I want desperately for Apple to create some type of iTunes sharing process so that iTunes doesn't have to run constantly to stream to home sharing devices. And why isn't AirPlay built into QuickTime X in Lion?

    borders and frames. orders and frames.
  • orders and frames.

  • NAG
    Jan 12, 05:32 PM
    I still don't get the blogger pulls a prank equating to all bloggers everywhere being punished by conference organizers. Seriously, it sounds all Zod evil where they threaten to kill some random guy if Superman doesn't bow down to them.

    borders and frames. Frames 001
  • Frames 001

  • nick9191
    Apr 12, 04:28 AM
    Actually its the other way around. Windows 7 has leap frogged apple in terms of functionality, UI and usability.

    Apple needs to play catch up by adding some features to OSX.
    Functionality? You can't do absolutely anything with Windows out of the box without downloading extra software.

    What can you do with your newly bought Windows PC?
    Scan for viruses with a 30 day trial of Norton.
    Notepad, Paint.

    What can you do with your newly bought Mac?
    iPhoto, iMovie, Garageband, iDVD, iWeb.

    Even disregarding a new computer and just looking at a new OS (as iLife only comes with a Mac). You can't do mundane tasks like viewing a PDF (yes, coming in Windows 8, OS X had it since 2000). You can't have virtual desktops. Hell I remember Vista Home Basic and Business wouldn't even play a DVD without downloading extra stuff (not sure what the situation is with 7 there). Quick look, Stacks, Expose.

    The only thing I can think of for Windows as far as functionality goes is the new Taskbar, shaking a window to minimise others and dragging two windows to each side of the screen to see them in unison.

    Jan 9, 01:03 PM
    I wouldn't put much faith in the opinions of a person demonstrably unable to coherently express himself.

    This was a personal meaning and yes i use logic when i express myself, maybe you're iq is low and you must attack somebody to make you're higher thats youre personal meaning to(low iq as well - haha(dont take it personally).And yes i think the iphone sucks i have had so much telephones over the years and i think it's just a ipod halo effect(like much off apple is).Look at the ipod touch - go figure.
    And like allways some guys must have with a spoon.the membersname is ironic...put faith in what you want i dont care..(buddha ore jesus)thats your personal we go with that spoon - "dadda....
    haha...allways funny.. your sincerly
    best regards

    Apr 21, 09:51 PM
    I don't see the ability to vote down posts ending well. I think that a "Thanks" system would be much, much better.

    So same system but without the down vote button at all?


    Ping Guo
    Apr 26, 12:19 AM
    If that is a guy holding that phone he needs to cut those nails...Damn hippy!

    Ah but that's the old Chinese snot-digging nail.

    Oct 28, 05:02 PM

    May 4, 10:54 AM
    A great commercial. As a teacher who is getting 30 ipads for next years students I am super pumped. These truly are the future of education and I can't wait to have my students start using them.


    I've heard stories but DAYUM!!!

    Do you teach at a public, charter or private school. And what grade?

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