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  • njmac
    Nov 12, 10:05 PM
    Can anyone recommend an app that does with video what iPhoto does with photos? It should have a library of thumbnails, folders, search, the ability to display most video types, not just limited to QuickTime, ability to drag and drop files which create aliases, etc.

    Basically iPhoto for videos. Oh yeah, and free (my guess is it ain't gonna happen for free.
    This app: movie montage bills itself as iphoto for movies. (quicktime only I believe) It is a crippled free version but check it out.

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  • reading-ook clipart image

  • phas3
    Dec 4, 01:51 PM
    how do you guys change your menu bar to black and other colors up top?

    children reading books clip art. children reading books clip art. +children+reading+clip+art; +children+reading+clip+art. 4JNA. Apr 17, 11:58 PM. Ultimately where does all this research go?
  • children reading books clip art. +children+reading+clip+art; +children+reading+clip+art. 4JNA. Apr 17, 11:58 PM. Ultimately where does all this research go?

  • MikeNemat
    Apr 13, 04:12 PM
    I'm working on a project to port the recently released Shairport tool that emulates an Airport Express to iOS and Mac OS X. (Disclaimer: this app is for personal use since it uses a leaked private key, I have no intention to release it on the app store). Ideally, my app will be more of a framework or library that anyone can use for their apps. Shairport is written in Perl/C so it is not suitable for "user-friendly" deployment to iOS and Mac OS X. My app will use OpenSSL for the AES and RSA encryption, ASyncSockets for HTTP and UDP networking, and nothing else. The idea is to make this a native app, no perl, no avahi, no libao, no software ALAC decoder.

    As of now, I have the secure handshaking aspect of the RAOP protocol working as well as native Bonjour/Zeroconf/mDNS/Whatever you want to call it broadcasting working. I am able to respond to the RTSP requests OPTION, ANNOUNCE, and SETUP. iTunes will see my app as an Airport Express in the AirPlay list and will begin streaming audio in ALAC format to the app. I am successfully listening on the 3 UDP ports specified by the SETUP request, however, I'm at a bit of a loss on how to decrypt this with the AES keys from the SETUP request and how to feed this into CoreAudio.

    Couple of questions to the community:

    1) Are you working on anything similar, if so, perhaps we can collaborate? I would have no objections with starting an open-source project around this, however my code is at the uber-early proof of concept stage at this point.
    2) Do you have experience using CoreAudio and the AudioFileStream format, if so, do you have an example you'd be willing to share?
    3) Have you ever streamed audio to an Airport Express before? Is it a straight-up ALAC bitstream that reads bits from the file and spits it out as UDP packets? Are the headers intact?
    4) Do you have an understanding of what the timing port and control ports are used for?
    5) Have you looked at the shairport source code? Can you offer insights on how much of the back-end server and ALAC decoder code can be replaced by CoreAudio?

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  • -reading-ook clipart

  • Hook'Em2006
    Feb 8, 10:37 PM
    He did it with an app called geektool. It takes a little know how to do, but there are plenty of dummy proof guides on youtube.

    I used to use geektool until I got a few Kernal panics and I noticed my mac taking a performance hit from it. Be careful when your messing with system tweaks!

    What is a Kernal Panic?

    Im guessing I probably shouldn't mess with it then? I really enjoy having a stable system at the moment. This computer is just about perfect. Just wish I would have bought the 15" instead of 13" MBP. I will be taking it back tomorrow or the next day, weather permitting of course. Here in Dallas we have been getting some wicked nasty snow storms, for around here anyway.


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  • reading books clipart

  • puckhead193
    Feb 28, 03:08 PM
    I was going through some of my grandpa's photography stuff. One of the major things I found was a camera, a Canon RM. Does anyone have any info on this camera?

    children reading books clip art. Children Reading Newspaper
  • Children Reading Newspaper

  • ranviper
    Feb 8, 11:45 PM
    Changed up the icons a bit since the first of the month. The wallpapers are still on a rotation of about 30 HD natural images however. Most, if not all from interface lift. =)


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  • Clip Art Reading Book

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 4, 10:18 AM
    What does this mean? Can some one please explain?

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  • ook together clipart Jun

  • iLikeMyiMac
    Aug 15, 05:32 PM
    All except #1 (the parrot). I scanned that one out of a magazine and messed with the hue and saturation a little bit then cropped it down.


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  • Pretty Teacher Reading A Story

  • Ashwood11
    Mar 31, 08:04 PM
    Micro-fiber cloth and several drops of water.

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  • macstudent
    Apr 30, 08:37 AM
    I would recommend posting your question to the forums on

    GREP questions get answered very quickly there.


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  • clip art three children

  • Ross2000
    Apr 25, 05:09 AM
    You should put the option "No I'm waiting for the iPhone 5"

    children reading books clip art. Reading books clip art
  • Reading books clip art

  • DTphonehome
    Sep 26, 09:16 PM
    OK, this is nice, but they need to light a fire under the collective ass of the .mac development team. That service is in dire need of a complete and total overhaul.


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  • free clip art books reading.

  • DirtySocks85
    Apr 7, 10:54 AM
    Negative votes on this? Seriously? So what if they're breaking the jailbreak, they're allowed to do so.

    And we're allowed to vote negative if we don't like this. Generally speaking in terms of iOS "security fixes" also means "closing holes used for jailbreak exploits". I'm all for closing holes like the ones that allowed the jailbreaks via Safari, but most of the holes used by JBers require the user to do some very specific things (like putting the phone into DFU mode). These aren't a threat to the average user.

    I have a 10gig weekly download limit at school and having to download a 600mb update every week for my iPod is annoying.

    No one is making you update.

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  • children while reading a

  • tktaylor1
    Feb 5, 02:20 PM


    children reading books clip art. clip art books reading.
  • clip art books reading.

  • Lau
    Nov 9, 02:35 PM
    I just got iMsafe. It backs up to an iPod, Firewire drive etc and it has been excellent. It just seems really good. Looks nice, dead simple, works well. And that's it.

    Bit like macs, s'pose :)

    children reading books clip art. Book Reading
  • Book Reading

  • arnop
    Nov 15, 08:19 AM
    Can't wait for it ! Hopefully in January !


    children reading books clip art. Children Reading
  • Children Reading

  • Digitalclips
    Nov 11, 08:46 PM
    I sure hope so. I'm just about ready to switch to Premiere Pro CS5.
    Please don't make me switch Apple!

    Are you serious? :eek:

    children reading books clip art. Children+reading+ooks+
  • Children+reading+ooks+

  • Doctor Q
    Apr 21, 11:44 AM
    We are aware of a problem with the Private Message system. You may get an error message when you try to read a PM that you've received.

    Please be patient while we work on the problem. Our apologies for the inconvenience.

    children reading books clip art. Children+reading+clip+art+
  • Children+reading+clip+art+

  • Consultant
    Dec 20, 03:18 PM
    Unfortunately, facts do not matter to these people, as most IT departments are clueless about TCO.
    The companies that switch to Mac either have smart IT people or have Mac / iPad using executives that push the IT departments to go Mac.

    Btw, human aspects seems to do better than facts. Example, white house mac,

    Nintento CEO uses mac:

    Also "President Obama Demos on Mac!"

    Jul 27, 09:48 AM
    I've got a thought...

    You've probably already been slapped about this but I haven't read through all the posts...

    Dude... I'm assuming you're a Christian to be so up-in-arms about the holiday (but I don't think that's the right example, honestly) -- you need to also be more tolerant of other religious holidays at the same time such as Hananachaka (butchered that) and Kwanza as well as some others, I'd imagine.

    Wonder what price they will be by christmas (i bloody hate the term 'the holiday season'!!) anyone any thoughts?

    Sep 27, 10:41 AM
    Stick around.There's cooler stuff on the way ;)

    Hmm...are Address Book and iCal going to get the same treatment? It would be great for .Mac to finally have an offering that competes with what Yahoo, Google, etc. have been providing for free for quite some time...

    ...or could it go even farther? What about an online version of iWeb, where you could edit and publish webpages directly from the browser, with drag-n-drop and all that goodness.

    Oooh - I just started salivating over iPhone integration possibilities!!!! How about having the iPhone sync with .Mac directly - even if you're not anywhere near your computer? Or how about the iPhone having mobile blogging software that will publish blog entries to a blog on your .Mac website? These are all features that other phones and websites offer, but the difference for Apple would be the seamlessness of the Mac/iPhone/.Mac integraton...

    Apple Expert
    Apr 4, 10:37 AM
    So it looks like when I upgrade every year, I will have to pay an additional $50? :mad: F U AT&T. If you weren't giving me 3+ downloads I would of dropped you in a second!

    Apr 6, 03:54 PM
    Google has become aware of the interest in the word "petabyte." Made me think that Google truly has its finger on the pulse of the world because what is the first thing people do when they hear about something and want more information? They Google it. Seems like, in the way meteorologist predict the weather, based largely on past experiences from which they derive predictions, that Google will soon be able to predict what you are going to enter as your query and instead will simply offer you the answer when you load the Google page instead. And, I'm not even kidding when I think about this to myself.

    Apr 4, 12:00 PM
    (because Apple insists on getting their cut of my annual subscription)

    That has nothing to do with this.

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