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  • Jennifer Aniston. Jessica Alba

  • Macaddicttt
    Mar 16, 06:06 PM
    And you're only argument is "it's wrong".

    Really? Have you read the thread? This is far from the only argument given to get rid of the death penalty.

    jennifer aniston photoshop. Jennifer aniston
  • Jennifer aniston

  • ECUpirate44
    Mar 4, 09:41 PM
    Yeah, big boss and pay for them :rolleyes:

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  • Jennifer Aniston photoshop toe

  • Sydde
    Mar 24, 01:09 PM
    Are you frickin kidding? Sharia law IS stupid extremist ideology. That's the only way to describe it. Maybe you should read some more.
    OK, I read some more. Some parts of Shari'a (mostly the fard) are a bit goofy or non-sensical, but for the most part, I am failing to see "stupid extremism". One must consider the fact that the concept itself is broad and moderated by sectarian differences: to say Shari'a is "this" or is "that" may fail depending on which interpretation is used, even who is interpreting it. Ultimately, the problems with Shari'a rest not with the code itself as much as with the people in charge of interpreting it. In the west, even secular code gets interpreted badly sometimes (or often), allow frothing nutbags to be in charge, expect to be outraged.

    jennifer aniston photoshop. Jennifer Aniston#39;s auction
  • Jennifer Aniston#39;s auction

  • DrDomVonDoom
    Apr 6, 11:51 AM
    I'd buy that for a dollar!!! :D


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  • jennifer aniston 2011

  • Chundles
    Sep 24, 07:55 PM
    And, by the way, thank you so much for making me think of my parents having sex.

    Edit: and I still think the first way to get on that road to being a grounded adult is to get out of his freaking parent's house. Until then, he should have to experience exactly the parental attitude that Chundles (sarcastically) described.

    Disclaimer: And, yes, I had no chance whatsoever to get laid when I was 18, so, yeah, I'm freaking jealous. Also, had I told my parents I was going over to sleep at my girlfriend's house, they (a) would have fainted out of sheer disbelief, then (b) beat the crap out of me.

    Yeah, definitely get out of the house. However, if he's off to uni and will be staying at a college he's probably got a few months where there's no real point to him moving out. And if he is off to uni and staying at a college.... :D there's gonna be some serious learnin' goin' oowwnnnn... If you know what I mean, wink wink nudge nudge SAY NO MORE!

    jennifer aniston photoshop. Jennifer Aniston Pajamas.
  • Jennifer Aniston Pajamas.

  • SuperCachetes
    Apr 18, 05:16 AM you realize what massive immigration to Europe is going to do? It will break their culture.

    How do you break a culture?


    jennifer aniston photoshop. Jennifer Aniston Shows Us Some
  • Jennifer Aniston Shows Us Some

  • tigres
    Mar 27, 03:51 PM
    I do understand law.

    In civil are correct. In criminal dice. In a criminal court the prosector has to prove that the defendant has violated the LETTER OF LAW. Clearly the seller didn't in this case.

    Civil court judges have much more freedom to interpret law (and intent) than criminal.

    I think the seller did violate the law.

    Description says Verizon.

    Picture is an AT&T iPhone.

    jennifer aniston photoshop. Jennifer aniston
  • Jennifer aniston

  • MacNewsFix
    Apr 27, 09:38 PM
    NBC has a great little sample, violins on television (

    It would be stellar if Al Franken would say, "Never mind," in the Senate. That would be funny.

    LOL! :p


    jennifer aniston photoshop. used on Jennifer Aniston#39;s
  • used on Jennifer Aniston#39;s

  • MacDawg
    Feb 13, 07:32 AM
    My sincere congrats to all of the new Mods

    I for one have enjoyed and profited from all of your posts in the past, and look forward to your greater involvement in the Forum. I think each of you will grow in your influence and impact on the site. Each of you has your own strengths in what you offer to the site. My observations are that E is often first on the scene and the quickest to respond, which should help to keep the board clear of unwanted junk. Nermal is always very informative and helpful. I have learned a lot from his posts. bousozoku is very conscientious about the board and its posters. He looks out for all of us and helps to make the site user friendly and a place that we can all feel welcome. WinterMute seems to offer a combination of all of the above, and will compliment the rest of the cast. Others may see things differently, but that has been my personal experience with them. The believe the mods have shown wisdom and foresight in their choices.

    For those that are worried about E, I for one feel like the trust placed in him is warranted at this time. While he has a playful side that is sometimes seen as overbearing, his energy and passion for the site is clearly evident. I believe his new position will temper that somewhat, and we will see his zeal and energy directed for the good of the site. If not, I have faith that Arn, Doctor Q and Mr. Anderson will know how to handle anything that arises. But I have every confidence that their trust in E will prove to vindicate their wisdom. For any who would "bait" E now, I think the greater evil is yours.

    I'm sure that there are others that were considered, and had much to offer, but for whatever reason (time on the board, "too nice" or whatever) the mods have made their selections. I hope nobody is personally disappointed in not being included. After all, the point of the board is to contribute to the community and enjoy the fellowship. I rarely get to poke my nose in here anymore, and I have to tell you, I miss it greatly.

    On a side note, I for one have always enjoyed your 'tars Sun Baked, and don't really understand the criticism of them. Perhaps I've missed some along the way (and yes, I did see the 'milk' tar and thought it was clever). I also enjoy your witty responses. You can usually say in one line what it would have taken me a paragraph... and you say it better.

    Anyway, congrats to all, and I hope you take good care of the board. Hopefully one day I'll get to spend more time here again.

    Woof, Woof - Dawg

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  • l#39;actrice Jennifer Aniston

  • touchtone561
    Feb 9, 11:58 AM
    Why is a calling feature tied to a messaging one?

    Probably cause they want to shakedown all the non-unlimited messenger customers with a new tiered messaging structure.

    Perhaps, this new feature isn't a bad deal with A-List, etc.

    Now if I had only more than 1.5 bars and an iPhone that didn't go toaster hot (not cylon) :D when I try to use it on the first floor of my home.

    So when do you think the LTE Microcell(s) will arrive? [off topic]


    jennifer aniston photoshop. Jennifer Aniston
  • Jennifer Aniston

  • Axemantitan
    Mar 22, 02:44 AM
    Additional info:

    The Japanese earthquake has resulted in the suspension of one-quarter of the global production of silicon wafers used to make semiconductors (

    jennifer aniston photoshop. Jennifer Aniston Gets The
  • Jennifer Aniston Gets The

  • bozzykid
    Mar 28, 04:54 PM
    Are you totally clueless?


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  • jolie vs jennifer aniston

  • miles01110
    Apr 12, 01:31 PM
    You're probably using a 5-GHz 802.11n network, which usually has a shorter range than a 2.4 GHz 802.11g network.

    jennifer aniston photoshop. 0 User comments about photoshop Jennifer Aniston Pics
  • 0 User comments about photoshop Jennifer Aniston Pics

  • ranviper
    Mar 31, 12:35 PM
    A tarantula and a Tripp jacket :D

    Can I be honest?

    I hate spiders....fkjharkfhaeivbaerv gives me the shivers seeing that


    jennifer aniston photoshop. to The Jennifer Aniston
  • to The Jennifer Aniston

  • pmz
    Apr 13, 05:02 PM
    June, people. Count on it.

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  • hat jennifer aniston in a

  • bertdevriese
    Oct 21, 08:09 AM
    I'm from Bruges but I already pre-ordered via the web. Sorry!


    jennifer aniston photoshop. let Jennifer Aniston have
  • let Jennifer Aniston have

  • Jessica Lares
    Oct 12, 01:14 AM
    That's what I thought. I'll get the part off eBay tomorrow and open it up.

    jennifer aniston photoshop. opposite Jennifer Aniston,
  • opposite Jennifer Aniston,

  • MattG
    Oct 2, 08:57 AM
    You seem to be contradicting yourself here... You say you hate notes.. But suggest it's "equally" as crappy as Exchange.. Then you admit that the CAL's are actually cheaper then Exchange... From your reasoning it would seem that makes notes better by itself. Your listed items are meaningless so I won't address them..

    Some advantages to Notes....

    the server runs on many platforms (Windows, Linux. iSeries, etc...)
    The client runs on many platforms (windows, linux, mac) or you can just use a browser...
    REPLICATION... Say it again. REPLICATION.. What does this mean? You can replicate a database to other servers or desktops/laptops. That's really nice to have if something happens to your hardware... It's not clustering - Notes has that too... So the same database can be on many servers if need be or you can take it locally and work with it off-line.. I don't know a microsoft technology that would let someone take a CRM application on the road.. make updates to the data while off line and put it back on the server later.. And it doesn't matter if it's one person or 100 people doing this. Maybe Sharepoint can kinda do this now - I truly don't know - But notes has been doing this for over 15 years... Not bad..

    That's just a couple advantages..

    Oh one more thing...;)

    It's nice getting new versions of the server on a regular basis that actually improve performance on existing hardware. What's Microsoft do? force Exchange users to 64 bit servers....

    It takes us longer to download a server update then it does to install it.

    I agree that Domino holds many advantages over MS. My complaints are mostly regarding the Notes user interface. It's crap, plain and simple, even on the MS platform. It's just really flakey. Not a day goes by when Notes doesn't crash on at least one of the desktops I'm working on, Mac or PC. it's just really annoying to work with.

    jennifer aniston photoshop. Jennifer Aniston,
  • Jennifer Aniston,

  • rainman::|:|
    Sep 18, 10:34 AM
    well, i'd just pop Photoshop open for the task. but free programs? not sure...

    What you maybe could do with GraphicConverter (I haven't used it in forever, so i'm not sure what it can do) is make your whole photo grayscale, then bring in parts of the photo (a copy, rather) in color and paste them over top...

    Oct 15, 12:31 AM
    The 8-active FAH Cores answered my question, but maybe it will help someone to know that one client takes care of it all now. This sure is nicer than the beta!

    I really hope they get the graphics working with the Macs soon. I find the output from my PS3 so soothing.

    EDIT: Back down to 4. Anyone have any insight about what is going on?

    Sep 26, 10:28 PM
    Just Great! More rumors. rofl..tut, tut, and I don't know anyone using AIM.

    I use AIM and Gmail with iChat. It works fine. I never chat with my .mac account.

    What if the rumored mapping or phone stuff that might be part of Leopard is only for .Mac users?

    .Mac users can call people from their computers or get .Mac Earth or something similar.

    Also, iCal needs to go online (add, edit, etc. from the Internet), storage needs to go way up, etc.

    Give me something AOL and Google don't.

    AOL just announced something that allows you to back up 5GB of data. .Mac gives you 1 GB. AOL is free, .Mac costs $99. I understand there are other features, but AOL has most of them too. It's not worth the $$ until some major improvements happen.


    Apr 21, 01:00 AM
    Just took this photo of my GFs brand new 2011 Honda Fit. Used the screen and LED flash(light) on my Nexus One.

    Apr 25, 06:03 PM
    I need to put video on my ipad, just need it done faster than the current handbrake method. what settings do I need to modify to get it done faster?

    Apr 6, 01:59 PM
    So you can get a 1TB hard drive for $80.... 12,000 of those.... not that big of an expenditure tbf.

    960,000$ a drop in the bucket for Apple.

    Reacent Post


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